Comments on: Demonstrators Protest Gaza Violence it's like being there Tue, 16 Sep 2014 04:56:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dave Askins Dave Askins Mon, 05 Jan 2009 03:50:00 +0000 The authors of comments [1] and [5] seem to agree on their view of The Chronicle’s journalistic integrity, but for opposite reasons … based on reading the same article.

Comment [5] raises a fair question: Why did you include in the article the description of the interaction between Chuck and the observer? I included it for the same reason I reported on the demonstration at all: an event unfolded in front of me in a neighborhood I travel through on a daily basis. Part of that unfolding was noticing a news truck parked on the street before there were any signs of a demonstration. I didn’t return to the scene with a preconceived idea of what “the story” was.

It turned out that what unfolded on the street corner opposite the demonstration (where I’d taken up a spot to shoot photographs) was an interaction between a demonstrator and some guy who was taking in the scene. We report what unfolds in front of us. In terms of what the demonstration accomplished, that’s something I’d point to (in addition to reminding folks of the crisis in Gaza) if I were an organizer: two people who see the world in radically different ways aired some of their different viewpoints on a downtown street corner in brutally cold weather.

They didn’t embrace at the end of their conversation and sing Kumbaya. It wasn’t particularly friendly, and in fact it was heated. Still, the exchange was more reasonable than this comment thread has already become.

So the final word in the thread goes to The Chronicle.

And with that, comments are closed.

By: Dogman Dogman Mon, 05 Jan 2009 01:42:08 +0000 Abby,
OK, Israel was formed in 1948 without getting your agreement, sorry, that’s what was done back then, get over it.
In 1967, the arab nations massed thousands of troops around Israel to”Kick the bums out”. The Israeli military kicked some serious ass. Every heard of “Racing for pink slips”?
Israel won the Sinai, Gaza and Golan Heights pink slips, they won, arabs lost, get over it.
Hamas is dedicated to the destruction of Israel, get real, won’t happen. I would suggest that the Palistinian people wake up, lose the war become friends with Israel and let Israel make your people’s world a great place. Grow up. Move on, let your people go.

By: abdul abdul Sun, 04 Jan 2009 19:57:16 +0000 I can not believe the Chronicle’s way of trying to confuse readers. The “person” you chose, or called upon, as a by-stander, to analyze and speak on the issue, is a cover for you to get the Israeli point of view. The demonstrators have organizers who can speak to you about why they are there and what they want. You chose not to speak to them and to have your own version of events.
Sadly this is how the Israeli influence has corrupted the media. Where is your integrity? Where is your professionalism? I say shame on you Chronicle.
Just to let you know, for whatever it is worth, Israel is “an occupying power.” The Palestinian people, according to all international laws, or whatever is left of such human rights laws after “Abu Ghraib” and the “Liberation of Iraq,” justifies and gives full right to the occupied people to defend and liberate themselves by all means deemed necessary to resist occupation.
So until Israel gets out of Palestine totally and permanently lifts the sanctions which have been in place for 3 years and lets the Palestinian people freely and independently chose whom ever they want to elect to represent them then, and only then, can we consider the Israeli claim for “self defense.”
YOU CAN NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, COMPARE THE VICTIMS WITH THE AGGRESSOR, AND PUT THEM IN THE SAME BOAT. Whatever the Palestinians have of preemptive, limited, self made weapons to defend themselves, it is by no means as much, or even close to the American made F-16 and the latest American made weapons the Israeli Army is using against a mostly civilian and, at best untrained Pre-military militant group, in Gaza.
Just take a look at CNN, and every other major news network and newspaper, and tell me honestly how many Arab-Americans or Muslim Americans are working for these networks, in comparison to the number of Jewish Americans. I would like to emphasize that the problem is not the Jewish Americans rather it is the direct ties to the Zionist ideologies that most of the reporters and analysts represent, which in simple terms, is totally, and unequivocally against Arabs and Muslims in general, and Palestinians in particular.
Ask Wolf Blitzer if he is an American journalist, or an Israeli working for a supposedly American news network??? You and millions of great Americans would realize that he, and many other reporters and journalists like him are Israeli’s first and most avid supporters rather than professional journalists (if you have any doubt regarding this, Google Wolf Blitzer and you will see his political and social affiliations).
Palestinians, as well as Arabs and Muslims, have historically never had any problems with Judaism or the Jewish people. In fact, Judaism, like Christianity, are religions that are highly respected by the Muslims. I am disappointed in a community based newspaper, like yours, that has chosen to go with the flow and compare the defenseless civilians to a military power that is killing them. My friend’s pictures and the facts speak louder than any network or news media. Thousands of injured and killed Palestinian men, women, and children, in comparison to 4 or 5 Israeli soldiers, is a clear indication of who is killing whom. Journalism is a profession and it has ethics and rules. Unfortunately, when it comes to Israel and the Middle East conflict, they are ignored and have been for over 50 years. Use your conscience and read between the lines. War, and the killing of innocent men, women, and children, will never bring peace to the Middle East.

By: Dogman Dogman Sun, 04 Jan 2009 02:15:40 +0000 Eh…I’ve never been impressed with nations or regimes that don’t allow protests. Hamas, Cuba, Iran, etc

By: Burrill Burrill Sat, 03 Jan 2009 20:24:52 +0000 Eh … I’ve never been impressed by protests in a nation that freely allows protests.

By: Anonymous Anonymous Sat, 03 Jan 2009 19:32:45 +0000 So far, 428 Palestinians are dead. 2,220 Palestinians are injured.

Five Israelis are dead. Tell me again, about “both sides”.

By: Ramsfan Ramsfan Sat, 03 Jan 2009 16:43:51 +0000 Since its inception in 1948, Israel has been under attack from the surrounding Arab nations. From day one there has been an effort to wipe Israel off of the map. Israel’s detractors, if they knew anything at all of history, would know this. Most Arab nations don’t acknowledge the state of Israel. The PLO and Hamas have in their charters, “the destruction of Israel.” It has been only the Providence of God that has kept Israel from complete destruction. Israel’s detractor’s can’t see this. Just as they ignore the countless suicide bombers that have attacked Israel for years as well. Israel has suffered many casualties in its civilian population for many years. This paper is part of the “inbred journalism culture” who see things only from a worldview from the left.
