Archive for September, 2009

UM: Technology

A post on Gizmodo picks up a New Scientist report about microprocessors that run on air, designed by UM’s Minsoung Rhee and Mark Burns: “Instead of electric impulses or spasers, the processor uses pneumatic valves, which are operated by changing the air pressure in a tiny chamber below each air channel. The binary signals are transmitted with air: Sucking means 0, blowing means 1. Poetry, this is what this thing is. Pure poetry in action.” [Source]

A2: Business

The New York Times mentions that Ann Arbor-based architects Hobbs + Black have designed the master plan for converting a 104-acre site in Allen Park into a movie studio, called Unity Studios. The article looks at how former auto plants in Michigan are being repurposed for the film industry. [Source]

S. University

Long line of students standing in the rain at the UM President’s House waiting to talk to President Coleman.

A2: Food

Bon Appetit magazine has named Ann Arbor as first runner-up in the America’s Foodiest Small Town ranking: “Not a fine-dining town, but one that knows real comfort food.” [Source]

Saline: Football

This Friday’s Saline High School football game is in the running to be featured as the Game of the Week on Local 4 News, Detroit’s NBC affiliate. If Saline is chosen via online voting by readers/viewers, the station will do a live broadcast there during the game. Saline will be playing Pioneer High of Ann Arbor. [Source]

Back to School: A Poem

A flag unfurled  at this house on Liberty Street offers a reminder that today Sept. 8, 2009 is the first day of school. Photo by The Chronicle.

A flag unfurled at this house on West Liberty Street salutes the fact that today (Sept. 8, 2009) is the first day of school. (Photo by The Chronicle.)

Editor’s note: The poets are sixth-graders at the Rudolf Steiner School of Ann Arbor.

I looked up at the clock, it read:
10 a.m. I’m still in bed!

The Sun streamed through the window pane,
I smile, summer’s here again!

Those summer days, so long so sweet
were filled with fun and dirty feet.

But now I have to go to school,
My freedom ripped away, how cruel!

[Full Story]

A2: Business

CNN Money’s Small Business column features the Ann Arbor tech firm DNA Software as a cautionary tale for companies that rely too heavily on grants or loans. DNA Software got a three-year, $1.5 million federal grant in 2001: “The cash cushion allowed executives to focus almost entirely on product development, without giving much thought to sales or marketing. Until the grant money dried up, they failed to realize that they had grossly overestimated the potential market for DNA’s highly specialized services.” CEO Don Hicks restructured the firm, which is now profitable and growing, according to the report. [Source]

Obama Dolls It Up for Ann Arbor Dems

A cutout of Barack Obama

Barack Obama holds a quilt of his family at the White House, made by Susan Walen. It was part of a folk art exhibit for the Ann Arbor Democratic Party's Labor Day picnic at the Elks Pratt Lodge. (Photo by the writer.)

The Chronicle first heard about Doug Kelley’s collection of Obama folk art when we met him at a health care forum last month, so when we learned that he’d be exhibiting part of it at the annual Ann Arbor Democratic Party‘s Labor Day picnic, we headed to the Elks Pratt Lodge on Monday to check it out.

The collection – two pairs of dolls, a quilted hanging, a hook rug, a walking stick, and several other items – includes original, somewhat eccentric work by artists from Ann Arbor and across the country.

Kelley gives frequent exhibits from his extensive Democratic Party archive – on Oct. 3, he’ll be displaying a collection of items related to voting rights at the annual meeting of the Washtenaw County Democratic Party. That meeting will feature civil rights activist John Lewis as guest speaker. But the Labor Day display was unique in at least one way: “It’s the first exhibit I’ve ever done that offers free peanuts,” Kelley said, pointing to a plastic dish filled with nuts for the taking.

So as rank-and-file Dems noshed and mingled with elected officials on the wraparound porch of the Elks lodge, we chatted with Kelley about some of the more unusual pieces he’s acquired. [Full Story]

Burns Park

Young skateboarders utilizing Burns Park’s new parking lot and curbs.

UM: Solar Car

On the blog @altgate, Furgan Nazeeri recalls his experience in the early 1990s leading UM’s Solar Car team, as he prepares to return to campus for a lecture on entrepreneurship. He writes about a list of advice he gave at the time, including “When they said I had big shoes to fill – I said ‘don’t worry’ I brought my own.” [Source]

A2: Dancing

Ken Knight – on his “Ken Knight’s posterous” blog – posts short video clips from Sunday’s Dancing in the Streets in downtown Ann Arbor. [Source]

A2: Library Website

An article in the Arizona Daily Star reports on a website overhaul for the library system serving Tucson. The article quotes Ann Arbor District Library director Josie Parker describing AADL’s own site, which cost between $25,000 to $30,000: “The level of control the customer has over their account is very high, and that has been something that has been in very high demand here.” [Source]

Skyline High

Flock of geese waddle politely, albeit slowly, out of the roadway when approached by a scooter.

County’s Budget Crisis Gets Emotional

Nina Johnson, Washtenaw County's human resources manager, prepares awards that were given out to employees during Wednesdays board of commissioners meeting. (Photo by the writer.)

Nina Johnson, Washtenaw County's human resources manager, prepares awards that were given out to employees during Wednesday's board of commissioners meeting. (Photo by the writer.)

Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners (Sept. 2, 2009): Emotions ran high during parts of Wednesday night’s county board meeting, as residents made impassioned pleas for continued funding of programs for the developmentally disabled. Commissioners responded, some with equal passion, with Leah Gunn saying this is the worst year she’s ever faced in her career as a commissioner, and Jeff Irwin breaking down as he described his reaction to hearing constituents’ stories. The county faces a projected $30 million budget deficit over the next two years in its $102 million general fund, and is working on ways to cut expenses.

Commissioners also heard budget presentations from leaders of two departments – Public Health, and Community Support and Treatment Services – and got a brief budget update from county administrator Bob Guenzel, who said that their 2009 general fund projections are on target.

The board also voted unanimously – and with no discussion – to approve a $1.375 million deal that would settle two lawsuits related to the 2006 death of Clifton Lee Jr., who died after a struggle with Washtenaw County sheriff’s deputies in the Ypsilanti Township of West Willow. [Full Story]


Folks lining up in front of Elmo’s to audition for parts in film “Naked Angel.”

UM: Football

Paul Anger, editor and publisher of the Detroit Free Press, writes a column describing the backlash against the newspaper after it published an investigative report on possible NCAA rules violations in UM’s football program: “We knew what was coming – a backlash from some Wolverine fans, who are as passionate about their team as fans are about theirs in East Lansing or Gainesville, Austin or Norman. The backlash has included threats against [reporters] Rosenberg and Snyder. One gem from the fanatical fringe: ‘I’m a person of strong moral conviction … however, I wish nothing but pain and death to you.’ What did these two journalists do, exactly? Their jobs. And well.” [Source]

Huron & Main

Post game, 3 lost guys in Maize on foot asking for directions, they were sure they parked their car near Happy’s Pizza and a courthouse. They wondered if Ann Arbor had more courts? Last seen heading N to Kerrytown. Wayfinding signs can’t help everyone.


Zingerman’s Deli worker unsuccessfully trying to duck out of view as an ABC camera crew shoots a live segment from behind the counter. The spot aired during the TV network’s coverage of the Michigan v. Western Michigan football game.

UM: Football Archives

The blog for UM’s Clements Library, in honor of Saturday’s season-opening football game, highlights three football-related items from its collection. One of the items is Spaulding’s Official Foot Ball Guide, “a summary of the 1895 season, a discussion of the All-America team for 1895, letters from players, and a variety of individual and team portraits throughout.” [Source]

UM Diag

Handwritten note on big M saying leave money to support student scholarship funding [photo].

Main also Fourth

Newly installed wayfinding signs now sport some DIY corrections at Main Street [photo], also Fourth Avenue [photo] locations. [Previous Chronicle coverage on wayfinding signs].  It appears to be painter’s blue masking tape used for background.