Comments on: Home Telephones it's like being there Tue, 16 Sep 2014 04:56:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mike Garrison Mike Garrison Wed, 28 Oct 2009 20:03:16 +0000 There’s an article about it in Ann Arbor News now: Link

By: Fred Posner Fred Posner Tue, 27 Oct 2009 19:00:16 +0000 It can be put together very cheaply. If you are hosting this yourself, you can do a system that will call 50 people simultaneously or so for less than 500.00. Plus the cost per minute of the phonecall. (let’s say 2 cents).

If you already have set this up for a previous campaign it’s just the minutes.

By: Dave Askins Dave Askins Tue, 27 Oct 2009 18:26:22 +0000 Fred Posner,

Does your technical expertise in the area of programming telephone systems allow you give us an idea of what it might cost to put together a robocall campaign like this?

By: Fred Posner Fred Posner Tue, 27 Oct 2009 13:28:16 +0000 Of course, it could be the other side calling you anonymous in the hopes of getting that very same action.

By: Linda Diane Feldt Linda Diane Feldt Tue, 27 Oct 2009 13:03:48 +0000 It is my understanding that political calls require a disclaimer notice, identifying who is paying for them. Just like all other campaign literature, ads, mass e-mails, and similar communications. That’s how the Federal Elections Commission rules read to me. So I believe these calls are in violation of those requirements, and legal action might be effective. And my disclaimer is I’m no lawyer, but I’ve read those laws and guidelines a number of times and both legally and ethically it would seem you have to identify who is behind them.

I’m up to 8 anonymous calls now, on my cell. The type of message, the frequency, the non-local origin of the calls, and the anonymity has a very negative impact, and at this point I believe I will vote contrary to their suggestion. That means a yes vote on the charter amendment.

By: Fred Posner Fred Posner Tue, 27 Oct 2009 00:23:26 +0000 Ron,

As much as it pains me, if the calls are political, they are exempt from fines and personal recovery you could receive from non-political calls. That being said, when I sent a demand to one political organization, my calls stopped. I did not recover monies, but I did stop the problem.

The letter I sent to the organization is linked in comment #6.

Bottom line: they are specifically exempt. That being said, you can always sue anyway and who knows.

By: Ron Suarez Ron Suarez Mon, 26 Oct 2009 22:28:14 +0000 I have been getting these almost every day now for about a week. I have files saved as they are coming into my VOIP system. Does anyone know if we can sue them? A few years ago I knew a lawyer who was able to collect $500 a call for a different, but sort of similar robo call. It is really annoying to be spammed by these.

Thank you “Ann Arbor Chronicle” for helping me to know some of the background on this!

By: Steve Radant Steve Radant Mon, 26 Oct 2009 18:08:31 +0000 Dave, a good point. You’re right; when I say that I’ve already voted, I mean that I’ve mailed my absentee ballot. The City election is Tuesday, November 3.

By: Dave Askins Dave Askins Mon, 26 Oct 2009 16:49:42 +0000 Steve Radant,

I appreciate the continued updates on the phone calls — I haven’t a actually received any, something I attribute to starting with a “clean” cell phone number a few years ago and signing up for the no-call registry at the same time.

Wonder if the tone of the calls has changed in response to feedback they’ve heard?

When you say that you “have voted,” it’s probably worth noting that what you mean is that you’ve voted by absentee ballot. (Right?) That will surely seem pedantic, and I only bring it up because there might be a random reader or two who read that and think, “Oh, dang, I missed the election … oh, well, never mind.”

By: Steve Radant Steve Radant Mon, 26 Oct 2009 16:25:08 +0000 Two more! One last week, and another today. Today’s was markedly more reasonable in tone, without the extreme scare tactics that marked the previous calls. This script today insisted that they don’t *oppose* posting City notices online – that’s a good thing! – but it’s something that should be done in *addition* to posting the notices in the newspaper. Tampering with the City charter is a [scary voice on] BAD [scary voice off] idea, they say.

Like the previous robocalls, this one failed to mention that it is being paid for by companies that charge the city money to run these notices in newspapers, and who stand to profit directly from a particular outcome of the vote.

I have voted “yes” on both proposals. If a particular industry profits from a City charter requirement, fine. If that industry has a trade group, fine. If they want to encourage me to vote a particular way on an issue, fine. But the minute they fail to disclose WHY they’re campaigning so heavily – that they have a monetary interest in the outcome – they’ve lied to me, and I’m very likely to vote against them.
