Comments on: Column: Your Tax Dollars at Play it's like being there Tue, 16 Sep 2014 04:56:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: David David Sat, 24 Apr 2010 12:34:55 +0000 John,

Could not agree with you more, but you are barking at the moon.

Even were sports teams and stadiums to come off public welfare, it will have little impact on school funding, as it is an article of faith among the teabaggers that all teachers are overpaid, underworked, and lazy, and that school districts are a huge waste of taxpayer dollars.

If you doubt this, just check the rantings and ravings by “readers” (their comments indicate they seldom actually read the article on which they are commenting) anytime there is an article about school funding and/or teacher layoffs

By: Anon-U-Are Anon-U-Are Fri, 23 Apr 2010 17:11:52 +0000 John, Good points all.

But don’t forget college stadiums. The non-profit U-of-M is building a $226 million stadium and will reap the benefits of people buying luxury suites, and then writing them off on their taxes.

Close the loophole that allows 80 percent of cost of buying a suite to be tax deductable.

By: Jay Barth Jay Barth Fri, 23 Apr 2010 15:32:45 +0000 John,
How can you be so cruel? If sports teams had to foot these bills, guys like A Rod would have to get by on say 20 Mil a year instead of 27…the guys who make 16m would be reduced to 12…It’s enough to bring a tear to glass eye…
On lighter note, just imagine…this is peanuts compared to what we waste in Washington…:-)

By: Rod Johnson Rod Johnson Fri, 23 Apr 2010 14:40:00 +0000 Righteous.
