Comments on: Library Board Addresses Budget Shortfall it's like being there Tue, 16 Sep 2014 04:56:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Fred Zimmerman Fred Zimmerman Sat, 01 May 2010 12:54:25 +0000 @Jim — I stand corrected! My apologies.

“Falling apart” is a sloppy phrase. Is there a punch list anywhere of the deficiencies?

By: Jim Rees Jim Rees Fri, 30 Apr 2010 19:20:46 +0000 Actually, “falling down” is a direct quote from Board member Margaret Leary, published in a Chronicle story 4 Oct 2009. And Board member Ed Surovell is quoted in a 22 Feb 2010 Chronicle story as saying the building is “falling apart.”

By: Fred Zimmerman Fred Zimmerman Fri, 30 Apr 2010 16:27:54 +0000 @Jim — good question about the decrease in repair funds, but it seems ungenerous to imply that the library board is manipulating the community. It seems more likely to me that some work is being deferred in response to the tight budgets for other aspects of the library.

Advocates for a new library did not claim the old library is “falling down”; that is a straw man version of what they said, which was that a) major systems in the current library (e.g HVAC) are old and expensive to repair and b) a new building would allow the library to respond better to modern community needs.

Like you, I would prefer to see the repair budget steady or increasing until such time as there are definite plans for a new library. Infrastructure, infrastructure, infrastructure.

By: Jim Rees Jim Rees Fri, 30 Apr 2010 14:53:21 +0000 Why are both the repair and the capital outlay funds being reduced when the new building has been put on hold and the old building has been described as “falling down?” I would have thought that part of the several million a year that would have been spent to pay for the new building would instead be used to maintain the old one. Is the Board planning to let the building fall down so they can justify putting up a new one?

By: Dave Cahill Dave Cahill Tue, 27 Apr 2010 19:32:17 +0000 I was on the Library Board from July, 2000 through June, 2008, so maybe I can help clarify some things.

The Library is a completely separate governmental unit. It has its own millage. It was separated off from the Ann Arbor Public Schools in the mid-nineties as part of the Proposal A legislative package. Under that legislation, the Library is authorized to levy a *permanent* 2.0 mill millage, with no necessity for voter renewal, ever. Strange but true!

This 2.0 mill “cap” has been reduced due to the Headlee Amendment over the years, and is now around 1.92 mills.

The Library was in serious financial trouble due to Don Dely’s embezzlement. However, due to belt tightening, the Library survived this crisis *without* going to the voters for a millage increase.

It is true that the Library is not collecting the full 1.92 mill tax rate now, because the branches have all been built and the Library is no longer setting aside extra money, over and above operating costs, to build a new Downtown Library.

By: Rod Johnson Rod Johnson Tue, 27 Apr 2010 16:00:33 +0000 Vivienne–I think it’s a realistic way of acknowledging that the state is in really bad shape and we are not insulated from that. It’s nice to think that we should aim for a higher standard, but we also have to face the reality of our situation.

By: Vivienne Armentrout Vivienne Armentrout Tue, 27 Apr 2010 15:49:53 +0000 I’m not connected with the library except as a user, but I’m surprised no one has made the point that the library board is not collecting the full amount of the voter-approved millage. Find me another governmental entity like that, except for the city. (Whatever happened to that tax reduction instituted by Mayor Hieftje in his first term, anyway? Could we have it back and pay for some police, please?)

Does anyone besides me find the often-repeated theme of “we are doing pretty well compared to other Michigan cities” a little lame? It may or may not be accurate, but not a very great standard for accomplishment.

By: Fred Zimmerman Fred Zimmerman Tue, 27 Apr 2010 15:38:22 +0000 @Gale — the embezzlement scandal is described at [link] with pic of Don Dely looking like a serial killer (somewhat hilarious but more tragic).

@ Gale and @ Jack — I still think the city government’s budget is simply irrelevant to the question of whether the library should give cost of living raises to its staff.

I am a bit surprised that no one from the library or the board has stepped forward to comment …

By: Gale Logan Gale Logan Tue, 27 Apr 2010 03:09:06 +0000 I am not so sure about that Fred. A2 city gov. seems to be doing a whole lot better than other cities in Michigan and the city millage has not gone up.

The library still benefits from a big voter approved millage increase several years ago. They had an embezzler take home a whole bunch of $$ that were never recovered so they asked voters to approve an increase to get them past bankruptcy. Once the budget was made whole they kept the increase and that is why they have been able to keep building.

Good for them, it is a great organization and I hope they do build a new library downtown.

By: Fred Zimmerman Fred Zimmerman Tue, 27 Apr 2010 00:03:29 +0000 David –

the city and the library have entirely different budgets and sources of funding. evidently, the library has managed its expenses better over the years.

