Comments on: Monthly Milestone: Tom, Huck in Ann Arbor it's like being there Tue, 16 Sep 2014 04:56:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Phyllis Valentine Phyllis Valentine Sun, 09 Jan 2011 23:20:11 +0000 Someone mentioned seeing my name in this article, asking if I were the ‘local photographer Phyllis Valentine’ mentioned. Interesting story and good sleuthing…and even more interesting to me since Julie Weatherbee and I both worked at the same place for years.

I’ve never met Tom Stockton, but the sound of his sweet boat’s steam whistle drew us to it that day.

By: Roger Rayle Roger Rayle Mon, 03 Jan 2011 02:26:43 +0000 Great story.

That steamboat should be displayed at next July’s Maker Faire Detroit and at Buckley’s Old Engine Show in August.

Maybe the Newspaper Man superhero action figure should be displayed at the Maker Faire, too. (The one on the right is almost lifelike ;)

By: Jo Mathis Jo Mathis Sun, 02 Jan 2011 17:04:40 +0000 Dave, I’m adding “sociable” to the many superlatives I use when describing you to those not fortunate to know you. (And your artistic – and quite sociable – wife did a fine job fashioning that action figure.)_

By: TeacherPatti TeacherPatti Sun, 02 Jan 2011 16:40:56 +0000 That is an awesome story! It also speaks to the power of Twitter. I normally don’t abide showing up in the comments section and making it all about me, but please allow me to tell my own Twitter story. Two years ago, my teacher’s aide had his power turned off at his house. He paid what had to be paid but for some reason, it wasn’t being turned back on. I threw out a tweet asking if anyone knew anyone at DTE. Turns out someone did, they put me in touch with a very nice lady who emailed me right away, I put her in touch with my aide and his power came on that afternoon.

I’m glad that Tom and Huck are back in touch again!! Cool!
