Is there a more inexplicable traffic sign in Ann Arbor? This sign is at the corner of W. William and First, looking west. There are no railroad tracks or other obstructions beyond the sign. [photo]
William & First

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I think that one is part of a 4-way stop for the intersection that pans the railroad tracks. It also allows peds going down William to cross.
And it’s at the bottom of that crazy hill which if you don’t walk your bike down in the first place you’ll never be able to read this sign anyway.
That sign is facing the wrong way. All the other signs downtown seem to want folks to walk their bikes on the sidewalks. Most city downtown areas I’m familiar with don’t want you riding your bike on the sidewalk.
I ride past that sign everyday!
A bunch of these signs have appeared all over downtown recently. There’s one at Washington and Division (I believe) that makes equally little sense.
I think that sign is directed at cyclists who ride on the sidewalk, not on the street. From the Bicycling in A2 section of the a2gov website:
“If you ride in the road, follow the rules of the road; if you ride on the sidewalk, always yield to pedestrians, stop or dismount before proceeding through crosswalks, and watch for drivers who may not be watching for you!”