Comments on: Borregard Off Ballot in County Board Race it's like being there Tue, 16 Sep 2014 04:56:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rod Johnson Rod Johnson Wed, 23 May 2012 21:19:35 +0000 The phenomenon Vivienne brings up was on display in its full scurrilousness a couple weeks ago when incumbent Rep. Roy Schmidt (D-Grand Rapids) withdrew and then refiled as a Republican just before the filing deadline, leaving his former party with no candidate (except for a Some Guy nobody ever heard of, but who paid the $100 fee–and then the next day withdrew from the race). I hope if anyone did that here, we’d have a robust write-in campaign and a bus ticket out of town ready.

By: Ed Golembiewski Ed Golembiewski Wed, 23 May 2012 19:04:50 +0000 Mr. Borregard did pay the refundable $100 fee in lieu of filing petitions. Ms. Armentrout is correct that the fee is refunded if a candidate places first or second in the primary.

By: Vivienne Armentrout Vivienne Armentrout Mon, 21 May 2012 11:18:40 +0000 Yes, not only is it possible for county candidates to pay $100 i lieu of gathering signatures, but the money is returned if you win! Or even, I believe, if you come in second!

I don’t know the history of this but it must be to discourage frivolous candidate filings.

A downside is that it leads to many last-minute filings and switches. There have been several occasions on which a sitting commissioner withdrew or failed to file at the very last minute in favor of a chosen successor, who then filed at the last minute. This is not favorable to the democratic process, since incumbents are often not challenged but an open seat may attract several candidates.

By: Mary Morgan Mary Morgan Mon, 21 May 2012 03:38:58 +0000 Re: “If you need signatures in your district in order to file as a candidate, how could someone possibly switch districts at the last moment?”

For county commissioner, it’s possible to pay $100 in lieu of collecting signatures. I don’t know if that’s what Eric Borregard did, but it’s not uncommon. Here’s a link for more information about running for office: [link]

By: Edward Vielmetti Edward Vielmetti Mon, 21 May 2012 03:27:52 +0000 If you need signatures in your district in order to file as a candidate, how could someone possibly switch districts at the last moment? Your signatures would all be from the wrong place. I guess I’m confused (and look forward to seeing this all sorted out).
