Comments on: Public Art Group Faces “Interesting Times” it's like being there Tue, 16 Sep 2014 04:56:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: anna ercoli schnitzer anna ercoli schnitzer Sun, 05 May 2013 22:09:42 +0000 This afternoon,my husband and I took advantage of a wonderful tour of the DIA’s Inside/Out Ann Arbor outdoor art exhibit, very ably led by John Kotarski and Aaron Seagraves. The tour was FREE and was both interesting and fun. We met John and Aaron at the Hands-On Museum at noon on Sunday and enjoyed walking slowly around the downtown area with them, listening to John describe and give details of the history of each work of art and its artist. We heartily recommend this weekend tour to everyone interested in art. [link]

By: Mary Morgan Mary Morgan Sun, 05 May 2013 14:15:36 +0000 Re. “This gets to the heart of what is wrong with Ann Arbor, apparently only those in the know are able to participate in city affairs.”

It’s worth noting that the sidewalk chalk art contest is not an AAPAC project. It’s being organized by the Huron River Watershed Council. We first reported this in February, when HRWC’s Jason Frenzel made a presentation about it to the public art commission. [link]

By: James Jefferson James Jefferson Sun, 05 May 2013 04:59:05 +0000 Wow more bummers from the art commission, you are reporting on a sidewalk art contest on May 1st and the deadline for the somewhat lengthy application is…. May 1st. I am on every email list the city offers, and this is the first I have heard of this event, and now it is too late to enter. This gets to the heart of what is wrong with Ann Arbor, apparently only those in the know are able to participate in city affairs. Extended until May 14 th, because no one knew about it. Why should we trust these folks with our tax money?

By: James Jefferson James Jefferson Thu, 02 May 2013 02:29:14 +0000 I wish there was a mechanism in place to call for a vote of ‘no confidence’ in the way our precious tax dollars are being spent on so-called art. Half a million dollars to dress up the ugly stadium bridges and bury a bunch of canoes by the cascades. Is this really where we need to be spending money as a community?

My nominees for the golden paintbrush? SAES and Mole.
