Live from the Taxicab Board: June 26, 2014

At its June 26, 2014 meeting, the Ann Arbor taxicab board will be considering a draft ordinance that would deregulate rates in the taxicab industry, as well as a draft ordinance  that would require all livery drivers for hire – including those who work for Uber and Lyft – to register with the city.

These issues have been discussed at the two previous monthly meetings of the taxicab board, on April 23, 2014 and May 22, 2014. The June 26 meeting has a scheduled start of 8:30 a.m. from the city council work room on the second floor of city hall. After the live broadcast, the Mixlr player below will be replaced with a link to the recorded .mp3 audio file.

[.mp3 of June 26, 2014 Ann Arbor Taxicab Board meeting]

Updated: The board did not act on the two draft ordinance revisions, except to ask that staff undertake some amendments for further consideration by the board at its next meeting, on July 24, 2014.