Getting Chronicle Content

Weekly Email Update

For readers who’ve told us they prefer to have Ann Arbor Chronicle content pushed to them in an email alert – instead of using a feed reader or a bookmark – we’ve set up an email list. The weekly update sent out from the Chronicle (sometimes on Saturdays, more often on Sundays) consists of synopses of our main stories with links to the full versions on the website.

Join The Chronicle’s weekly email update list
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RSS Feed

For readers who’d like to use an an RSS feed reader to “subscribe” to The Chronicle, the address is:

If you’d like to customize your feed by filtering in and out just the kind of items you prefer, please read the feed filtering documentation.


A Twitter account manually maintained by Ann Arbor Chronicle editor Dave Askins is @a2chronicle. The Twitter account for Chronicle publisher Mary Morgan is @MaryA2Chronicle.

Headlines of main Ann Arbor Chronicle stories are automatically fed to @A2ChronHeads.

All Stopped.Watched entries are automatically streamed to A2StoppedWatch.


Join The Ann Arbor Chronicle Facebook group, where we post items of interest to Chronicle readers.