Stories indexed with the term ‘Artsbreak’

Taking A Break With Artsbreak

Jennifer Dai, Vivian Lam and Lola Liu move fast to find the craft supplies they need at last Tuesdays Artsbreak in the Michigan Union.

Jennifer Dai, Vivian Lam and Lola Liu move fast to find the craft supplies they need at last Tuesday's Artsbreak in the Michigan Union.

If nothing else, the bright yellow paper covering two long tables in the Michigan Union ground floor – the union’s lower level food court, known as the MUG – would have tipped you off that something was going on last Tuesday night. Another clue: two smaller tables crammed with bottles of glitter, colored markers, spools of ribbon, boxes of rubber stamps, and sheefs of stickers and colored paper.

For the past few years, Tuesday nights at the MUG have been alive with arts and crafts provided by Artsbreak. Together with Friday night UMix, another event intended to bring students together, Artsbreak provides a chance for students to escape the stressful life of a University of Michigan undergrad and have a little fun. Whether it’s making Hershey kiss roses for Valentine’s Day or picture frames out of wires, every Tuesday you’re guaranteed to see at least a few people getting their hands dirty – or sticky with glue. [Full Story]