Stories indexed with the term ‘noon hour supervisor’

AAPS Won’t Outsource Noon Hour Supervisors

The Ann Arbor Public School board has failed to approve a proposal from Professional Contract Management, Inc (PCMI) to provide outsourced noon hour supervision for the district. The decision came at the board’s Oct. 10, 2012 meeting. PCMI’s proposal, made in response to an Aug. 8, 2012 RFP, was the only one received by the district. The board was split on the benefits of the cost savings and the non-competitiveness of the bid.

PCMI’s original bid was to charge the district 25.83% of the gross wages to be paid to the supervisors themselves. After negotiation, the bid was reduced by one percentage point to 24.83%. According to the staff memo accompanying the briefing item, that’s roughly 7% higher than bids the … [Full Story]