Archive for November, 2008

A2: Gardening

The Poughkeepsie Journal runs an article about fall bulbs, quoting Scott Kunst, owner of Old House Gardens in Ann Arbor: ”Perennial is a relative term. Peonies will live a century or more, whereas other common perennials won’t last a decade. All tulips are perennial, but none will last for long if they get too much moisture during their summer dormancy.” [Source]

Veterans Park

Cyclocross races. Also at noon on Sunday. Another great cycling event for spectators.

Fifth & Liberty

Fifth & Liberty: two preteen boys holding large Obama signs and quietly chanting, almost monk-like: O-Bam-a, O-Bam-a, O-Bam-a

UM: Politics

A Freep article looks at the impact of the youth vote in this presidential election, and talks to some students at UM. Says Hannah Lieberman, a junior and volunteer for Voice Your Vote on Election Day: “You can’t turn your head without seeing something about the election. I think the youth are going to come out in incredible numbers.” [Source]

Column: Arbor Vinous

Joel Goldberg

Joel Goldberg

OK, I’ll ‘fess up. I’m becoming a locabibe.

What’s that? Let’s start with “locavore,” which Oxford University Press unilaterally proclaimed as 2007′s word of the year:

The locavore movement encourages consumers to buy from farmers’ markets or even to grow or pick their own food, arguing that fresh, local products are more nutritious and taste better. Locavores also shun supermarket offerings as an environmentally friendly measure, since shipping food over long distances often requires more fuel for transportation.

And locabibe? That would be a locavore on a liquid diet. Locabibes are the folks at the next table in the restaurant who ask for filtered tap water instead of Evian, thereby skipping a heavy plastic bottle schlepped halfway around the globe to deliver essentially the same product that flows for free from the kitchen faucet.

Or, it’s possible that they’re merely cheap. [Full Story]