Comments on: Infrastructure Investments, Plus Income Tax? it's like being there Tue, 16 Sep 2014 04:56:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Steve Bean Steve Bean Sat, 10 Jan 2009 19:58:55 +0000 Kris, the Chronicle asks that we “Be Generous” in our comments. Please give that some consideration, especially before directing personal comments to another contributor.

In answer to your question, it seems that hundreds of Ann Arborites care enough about “what happens over there”, to the point of making signs, lighting candles, and standing vigil in the cold. I didn’t participate in that event, but I also care. Also, my understanding is that Henry has already “go[ne] away”–he visited Gaza and/or the West Bank and observed the oppression of the people there, which is what motivated him to bear witness as he has.

By: Scott Rosencrans Scott Rosencrans Sat, 10 Jan 2009 17:27:08 +0000 About 415 W. Washington: The recommendation to provide for vehicle access from the site to Liberty Street comes in response to concerns about additional activity on the North side of the property. Regardless of which type of development is ultimately placed on the site it is clear that there will be an increase in both vehicle and pedestrian traffic that will join the already vibrant comings and goings at the adjacent YMCA. By providing access from Liberty Street for garbage trucks, delivery vehicles, and, most importantly, emergency vehicles, a bottle neck condition can be avoided which could have ramifications on personal safety.

Such a “service drive” could be single lane and, if desired, be marked with sine-age to indicate the restricted use of the access. To provide harmony with the park-like setting of the Greenway area, and to provide for the needs of the flood plain, a number of approaches could be taken including the use of pervious pavers, porous asphalt, and a colored surface treatment.

The committee, support staff, and applicants share unanimous support of the greenway concept and, certainly as a Park Commissioner who voted in support of the Park Advisory Commission Resolution in support of a greenway in the flood plain area which informed a like City Council Resolution, I am personally wary of diminishing the size of the greenway segment. Parks planning staff inform us that such a service lane and a viable greenway segment are not mutually exclusive.

It is important to understand that the recommendation for such an access is not an endorsement of the proposal site plan of one of the applicants, which is pictured in your article.

Dave, I was sitting right next to you on the bench in Council Chambers as you were compiling your notes for this story and I am sure that you overheard the conversation I had with Margaret Wong about this issue after we both spoke to Council because you even chimed in. Please don’t be shy about asking me questions.

By: Kris Kris Sat, 10 Jan 2009 00:15:26 +0000 Go away Henry Herskovitz, the fight in Gaza has nothing to do with City politics. Who really cares what happens there!

By: Henry Herskovitz Henry Herskovitz Fri, 09 Jan 2009 14:42:28 +0000 Thanks, Chronicle, for covering my talk at Council – you captured its essence Below is the text of the talk, and for future reference I could provide text prior to the meeting, if you feel that would be helpful.

Henry Herskovitz

Jan. 5, 2008
Good Evening

It’s hard to know where to begin to describe the all out assault that the Jewish State is waging on a locked in population in the world’s largest concentration camp. The Gaza Strip

Israel refers to this as “Operation Cast Lead” which is a reference to a child’s toy.

The proper name for this continued ethnic cleansing should be the Hanukkah Massacre, since it is indeed that – a massacre – and was initiated during the Hanukkah holiday.

I’ve asked the clerk to pass out a little quarter-page information sheet, which puts numbers to the horror being inflicted upon the Palestinian people. You can read that the ratio of killed Palestinians to killed Israelis is greater than 100 to 1. That might bear repeating: 100 dead Palestinians for every dead Israeli we read about.

The sheet’s source, If Americans Knew, has reported many times about biased news coverage in Israel’s favor.

Let’s look at our own newspaper’s coverage of events.

Take the lead headline: ISRALIS MOVE INTO GAZA. Well, it’s certainly true they did that, but equally valid headline would have been POORLY-ARMED HAMAS GIRDS FOR INVASION BY SUPERPOWER.

A second headline on page 7 reads ISRAEL WEIGHS THE GOALS IN GAZA … IF HAMAS REMAINS IN CONTROL, WHAT MISSION WILL BE ACCOMPLISHED? This focuses the reader’s attention clearly on Israel, and encourages the reader to believe that Hamas is the problem.

Is this unbiased reporting? Further down the page there’s a photo. Is it a photo of a resisting Hamas fighter, trying to protect his family from starvation and vicious bombing? No, it’s not. It’s an Israeli soldier with a worried look on his face.

Finally, lets focus on the job of honest journalism. We’re supposed to get the “who what where why and when”. But where is the why in these two articles? One article says that Israel moved in with ground troops after 8 days of “punishing” airstrikes failed to halt rocket fire.

So where is the why of the rocket fire? It could well be explained that Israel is an illegitimate expansionist state and has been ethnically cleansing Palestinians for over 60 years. It could also be explained that the illegal blockade Israel has imposed on the people of Gaza is causing them to eat grass and bread made from animal food.

Let’s consider this quote from Hussein Ibish: “Forcing millions of people to live for decades under hostile military rule with no end in sight inevitably produces violent resistance.”

How’s that for a why?

Thank you

By: peter honeyman peter honeyman Fri, 09 Jan 2009 13:21:59 +0000 i tried to “muck out” the drain in front of my home last month, but a half hour of chopping at it got me nowhere and i gave up.

By: Steve Bean Steve Bean Fri, 09 Jan 2009 04:26:30 +0000 One exception to the requirement for businesses to use the franchised waste collector is if the company has a national contract for waste collection with another company, in which case they can get an exception. They still need to submit a recycling plan to insure that they will provide the opportunity to recycle a comparable percentage of their waste stream (depending on the nature of it.) I don’t have the exact wording handy, but that’s pretty close.

The reason some businesses could potentially see a net cost increase is most likely that their waste is more dense (heavier) than average. Also, businesses in the DDA district currently receive subsidized waste collection service, so their costs will obviously increase (though see next sentence.) In all cases, businesses will have an expanded recycling collection service that will allow them to divert some portion of their waste stream out of the refuse they must pay to have collected. If they can divert a greater amount to recycling or otherwise reduce their waste stream, they will further reduce their overall costs. (Again, I’m going from memory on this. I can confirm details if there’s interest.)

By: Matt H Matt H Fri, 09 Jan 2009 03:37:18 +0000 I appreciate the focus on IT expenditures. When writing on CTN, I tried to get an itemization of their IT charges (over $100,000), which apparently would have required a significant amount of investigation. I decided to not file a FOIA, but I’m hoping someone in the future will do more digging into how much is spent on what. Alternately, the City could decide make this information public.

By: Kris Kris Fri, 09 Jan 2009 00:57:21 +0000 How the heck does Israel come up in a City Council meeting? Isn’t it bad enough that it is all our media can seem to talk about?

By: Kris Kris Fri, 09 Jan 2009 00:54:14 +0000 Clearing snow from the drains is not the responsibility of the drain commission, it is the responsibility of City services.

I’m amazed that anyone can applaud the plowing as it’s simply not being done! The City has chosen to irresponsibly sit back and watch the accidents happen.

By: Edward Vielmetti Edward Vielmetti Thu, 08 Jan 2009 20:48:03 +0000 Whose responsibility is it to clear the storm drains? Is that inside the jurisdiction of the drain commissioner? Or are neighbors expected to muck out the drains themselves.
