Comments on: County Gets $4.1 Million Weatherization Grant it's like being there Tue, 16 Sep 2014 04:56:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chris Savage Chris Savage Tue, 17 Mar 2009 13:57:37 +0000 I would like to invite anyone in the Washtenaw county area to consider joining a new group being formed called the Washtenaw County Area “Green Team”. We are primarily focused on (1) energy conservation, (2) environmental & ecosystem preservation, (3) alternative/renewable energy development, and (4) development of “green collar” business infrastructure, jobs and opportunities in our area.

You can join our group here

(You will need to sign up for a free account on MyBO if you don’t already have one in order to join the team.)

Although we are organizing under the umbrella of “Organizing for America”, our efforts are non-partisan by their very nature. One of the things we are currently working on is identifying our Stimulus Package money is being spent on “green” initiatives in our community in order to monitor them and promote them locally. This particular project fits in with that perfectly.

Our group is new but we have big plans for the future. One of our key projects will be a blog that covers issues, events and projects in our area that are relevant to our mission statement. We also hope to help be a bridge between various local groups involved in these areas. We can help promote them as well as provide volunteers to worthy efforts.

Please consider joining us!

Chris Savage
(734) 358-9276

By: Mary Morgan Mary Morgan Thu, 12 Mar 2009 21:50:57 +0000 Norbert, I’ve forwarded your contact information to Aaron Kraft, the program coordinator for this project and the person I interviewed for this article. Hopefully he’ll let you know what you need to do to participate.


By: Norbert Zink Jr Norbert Zink Jr Thu, 12 Mar 2009 21:37:45 +0000 Hello I would like to introduce myself, I have owned Scio Electric Service since 1981 in the Ann Arbor area. I would be very interested in becoming involved as a contractor for the electrical work that may be involved. I am fully licensed thru the State of Michigan as a Master Electrician #62-05188. Also I am fully insured with Workman Comp and Liabilty Ins.

Thank You
Norbert Zink Jr.

By: Zachary Branigan Zachary Branigan Thu, 12 Mar 2009 18:37:39 +0000 This is an excellent program that is now getting teh attention it deserves, a great use of Federal dollars. Coupled with other programs, such as those now supporting Habitat for Humanity, allowing them to take on a great deal more work in rehabilitations, we can improve the overall housing stock and provide direct benefits for those most in need of them.

Our firm, Carlisle/Wortman Associates has developed a community-wide municipal energy assessment program that will allow the governing bodies of cities, counties, townships, and villages to better compete for the now-funded EECGB funding and direct those resources where they can be of the most benefit. They will be able to identify the best internal energy/cost saving measures that can save taxpayer dollars and fund projects that will provide incetives for market rate housing and commercial developers to incorporate energy-saving measures in their projects.

The net benefit of all these programs will really bear long term benefits to Michigan and the Country as a whole. It is inspiring to see energy at the forefront of a domestic reinvestment strategy.

By: Dave Cahill Dave Cahill Thu, 12 Mar 2009 13:22:55 +0000 I’m thrilled at the fast implementation of this excellent program!

By: Dan Ezekiel Dan Ezekiel Wed, 11 Mar 2009 23:19:57 +0000 I agree with you, Conan, this is a fabulous feature of the stimulus and a good opportunity to help low-income county residents save energy and money.
Before we were teachers, my wife and I were energy auditors (in the early 1980′s) for a company that contracted to do energy analyses for Detroit Edison customers. The audits were subsidized by the federal gov’t, and the energy (and carbon) saved was strikingly high, I believe.
One thing I remember was the higher energy use by low-income customers, because they couldn’t afford to invest in energy-saving technology or goods, also because they frequently rented and had no motivation to invest in these. Nor did the landlords, since they didn’t pay the utility bills. Will rental units be eligible for this program?
I hope a thorough energy analysis will be done on each home, with a presentation to the residents. Most people have little idea what the actual energy savings of different actions or technologies are. E.g., unless windows are absolutely falling apart, better windows will save relatively little energy, compared to their cost. On the other hand, using a setback thermostat will pay for itself in less than a year, in most cases.
When people are given accurate information about the energy savings of various behaviors, they are likely to save significantly more energy.

By: Conan Smith Conan Smith Wed, 11 Mar 2009 13:07:48 +0000 I think this is one of the most exciting programs authorized in the stimulus. Energy efficiency is a straightforward way to reduce a family’s ongoing cost-of-living in a systemic way. With so many facing home foreclosure because of comparatively small shortfalls (sometimes as little as $50 a month), reducing their energy costs has plainly relevant economic benefits. This program is going to support thousands of hours of employment over the next 18 months and could have a significant cumulative impact on our local global warming footprint. I can’t wait to see it up and running!
