Comments on: Column: Why We Grieve The Ann Arbor News it's like being there Tue, 16 Sep 2014 04:56:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Linda Fitzgerald Linda Fitzgerald Tue, 07 Apr 2009 13:46:12 +0000 Mary–

I must be one of the last to read your moving essay on the demise of the A2 News and the loss of your mom. So let me add my belated condolences. Last September, I spent a week saying good-bye to my own mother. Despite four years of decline on her part and “pre-grieving” on mine, I’ve discovered there is no way to prepare, no way to defend against the pain and grief–which are both fierce and enduring.

My heart goes out to you. And my appreciation as well, for your wonderful insights about the importance of journalism, the tangible pleasures of a newsPAPER, and the impossibility of ever fully replacing that experience with online versions (even those as good as the A2 Chronicle).

All the best.

By: Cathy Gendron Cathy Gendron Thu, 02 Apr 2009 16:03:16 +0000 Mary,
I want to add my condolences as well. No matter what the circumstances, losing your mother is a life-changing event. My sympathy to you and your family.

The news of the paper’s demise brought back a flood of memories and prompted several former colleagues to touch base after many years. I’ll miss the daily ritual of leafing through the paper with my husband. But most of all, I am sad to see the gradual disappearance of an entire industry.

Best wishes to you,

By: anna ercoli schnitzer anna ercoli schnitzer Tue, 31 Mar 2009 20:35:17 +0000 Mary:

I can only add my sincere sympathy to the above wonderful tributes from so many at this sad time in your (and our) lives.

You are most definitely not alone.

Heartfelt good wishes!


By: Bob Dascola Bob Dascola Tue, 31 Mar 2009 18:26:09 +0000 Mary, I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. I understand what you have been through. I hope that your mother didn’t suffer. Also know that time will help heal you. The world is a much better place because of the outstanding job your mother did raising you!

Your above store is still being talked about at the barbershop, so I know that your readership is going up even now as I write this. No one knows what the future will bring, hard times or not, but one thing that is very clear to me right now is the value of a locally owned newspaper. You have in effect, restored to the community a high level of journalistic value and it is the locally owned independent business that sticks it out no matter what, so with that said, I have high hopes for you and the Chronicle as you continue your path of outstanding journalism in Ann Arbor. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do for you, not just today, but in the future too.

By: Mary Morgan Mary Morgan Tue, 31 Mar 2009 04:31:21 +0000 I wanted to thank everyone for your support and kind words, and for the stories some of you have shared and your own reflections about the impact of these changes. One of the things I value most about The Chronicle is the connection I feel to people who take the time to read and respond with their own insights and observations. I’m especially touched by your responses here, and I thank you for helping me through what’s been at times an overwhelming, surreal week.

By: Pete Mooney Pete Mooney Tue, 31 Mar 2009 02:17:08 +0000 Sorry, I realize this is off topic, but I assume you are the Stan Bidlack from (or formerly from) the Huron High School faculty — if so, I really enjoyed taking English from you in 1983-4.

By: Stan Bidlack Stan Bidlack Sun, 29 Mar 2009 23:54:53 +0000 Mary,

Thank you for this wonderful piece.

Your Mom and the Ann Arbor NEWS were both lucky to have had someone like you in their lives. I wish you and the CHRONICLE the best luck ever in the coming months.

Stan Bidlack
Eugene, Oregon

By: Juliew Juliew Sun, 29 Mar 2009 14:21:28 +0000 Thank you Mary, for putting into words what so many of us are feeling. I’m so sorry for your huge personal loss and sorry for the loss to our whole community.

When I heard about the News closing, so many images flashed through my head. I remembered walking out to get the paper as a little girl, sitting with my dad doing crossword puzzles, reading about the accomplishments of my friends’ parents, then my friends, then their children. I remembered the marriage notices, the birth notices, and the obituaries. I remembered walking to the News to place my father’s obituary–the only time I was ever inside the building. I remembered finding the copy of the News in the attic of our house, placed by the workers who had finished the house the week before Christmas almost 100 years ago. The Ann Arbor News has been a part of our city for a very long time. It is inconceivable that it will no longer be around.

I will miss the News. In many ways, not so much the News as it was recently, but the News that could have and should have been. I am a voracious consumer of online news, but still love to sit down with the paper, knowing that around the city, thousands of other people are looking at the same information, the same cartoons, the same articles. It is nice to say “did you see that in the paper last night?” and know that people knew what I was talking about. I like trading sections with my husband over a leisurely Saturday breakfast. I like reading the house sale prices and the restaurant food ratings and the hundreds of tiny bits of information that are in a local daily newspaper. I like having a reference for “today’s news”–rather than an ongoing rolling set of information.

I don’t know if I believe that newspapers are really gone. I could see it going several ways. I think a good local newspaper that is part of the community could still thrive, although I don’t know if a daily printed and delivered version is a reality anymore. I honestly don’t think the internet put newspapers out of business, I think the newspapers did it to themselves. Newspapers had grown and changed radically over the years, but in the last few decades, they started believing they were invincible. They didn’t react to the internet, they didn’t grow and change and embrace new technologies. They scoffed at blogs and Craigslist and online versions. They stayed static and immutable behind their big facades, and that is what caused their demise. I do know there are a lot of great writers out there and a lot of good work being done. Hopefully out of all of this can come something better, maybe someday, even The Ann Arbor News.

By: Kay Semion Kay Semion Sat, 28 Mar 2009 22:43:06 +0000 Mary
I am sorry to hear about your mother.
And, as one of the many former “Newsies,” I am personally sorry to hear about the approaching death of The AA News — not to mention the demise of daily print newspapers in the entire state of Michigan. Your piece is very good but I am not as optimistic as you about the future Web product.
That said, I am impressed with The Chronicle and hope you do well.

By: David Horowitz David Horowitz Sat, 28 Mar 2009 21:25:01 +0000 This was beautifully written and made me wish I knew your mom.

I also wish you every success with The Chronicle.
