Comments on: Liberty Street Downtown it's like being there Tue, 16 Sep 2014 04:56:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Juliew Juliew Thu, 16 Apr 2009 15:30:02 +0000 This thread is just so, so Ann Arbor. It makes me happy.

By: Linda Diane Feldt Linda Diane Feldt Thu, 16 Apr 2009 02:49:05 +0000 Ed, I do take wikipedia with a grain of salt but I stand by the information, which is technically correct. Even though common usage is destroying the distinction. Dictionaries favor this strict definition as well.

But even when I teach about teas, tisanes, infusions, decoctions of leaves, roots, bark, flowers, and seeds people tend to call it all tea no matter the plant, no matter the process. It is a losing battle, I know.

Now, if you look up teabagging on wikipedia… Rachel Maddow is included in the listing. Politics can be very funny.

By: Edward Vielmetti Edward Vielmetti Thu, 16 Apr 2009 01:26:39 +0000 Linda Diane, do you really believe Wikipedia? Come on. There are some weird people typing things into wikis these days.

“Tea” is the colloquial name for a wide variety of brewed hot beverages that are not coffee; if you want to call it herbal tea, you call it herbal tea, not by the french name. (Or you call it Krautertee which you can buy by that name at TeaHaus).

By: Matt Hampel Matt Hampel Thu, 16 Apr 2009 00:26:07 +0000 And to think I subscribed to this fishwrap believing it was a family paper!

Oh, wait, I haven’t donated to the tip jar in a month or two. Off to do that now.

By: Linda Diane Feldt Linda Diane Feldt Wed, 15 Apr 2009 21:46:16 +0000 Technically the word tea only refers to the actual tea plant – from wikipedia: “Tea refers to the agricultural products of the leaves, leaf buds, and internodes of the Camellia sinensis plant, prepared and cured by various methods. “Tea” also refers to the aromatic beverage prepared from the cured leaves by combination with hot or boiling water[1], and is the colloquial name for the Camellia sinensis plant itself.”

If you use herbs, it is a Tisane.

And many of us have been laughing about this reference to teabagging — for other reasons – for weeks. Even us herbalists.

By: Edward Vielmetti Edward Vielmetti Wed, 15 Apr 2009 20:21:23 +0000 I will reference the urban dictionary for “teabagger”

link to definition

not safe for work, you are warned.

The Grey Lady reports

“Rain-streaked tea bags hung from the umbrellas and eyeglasses of protesters as Tea Party Day got off to a soggy start along the East Coast on Wednesday. ”

The original protest, of course, used loose tea link to Boston Tea Party

and if you were going to be all ann-arbor about it you’d scatter locally harvested mint or catnip tea into the air.

By: Mike Garrison Mike Garrison Wed, 15 Apr 2009 19:38:08 +0000 Given the news referring to it as ‘teabagging day’ for a while, I don’t see what’s wrong with the comment. I laughed when I read this. I don’t see how it’s slanderous, in poor taste, or anything.

By: Devon Persing Devon Persing Wed, 15 Apr 2009 19:23:02 +0000 David,

I wonder what it is you find profane about the entry?

My biggest concern about the protests is their seeming lack of focus; they also seem a bit late, don’t you think?

By: Bill Merrill Bill Merrill Wed, 15 Apr 2009 19:17:32 +0000 My Stopped and Watched submission was composed for brevity and no other purpose.

By: John Hritz John Hritz Wed, 15 Apr 2009 19:16:51 +0000 link to CBS story

Apparently folks were handing out tea bags (referencing the Boston Tea Party) as part of a tax protest at some locations.
