Comments on: Washtenaw Commissioners Discuss Cuts it's like being there Tue, 16 Sep 2014 04:56:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: David Lewis David Lewis Sat, 16 May 2009 14:18:55 +0000 Right now the county budget problem is the sleeping elephant in the room. It looks like the necessary cuts will be sweeping, they will impact employment at the county and the human service providers that the county has been so good about sustaining. The cuts will have to impact the Sheriff’s budget and that could restart the whole debate about the law enforcement free ride in some townships versus the townships and cities that support their own police force.

By: Vivienne Armentrout Vivienne Armentrout Sat, 16 May 2009 13:25:33 +0000 Commissioner Gunn’s proposal to cut out per diems is right on. As I have noted before, this system of paying commissioners (and all other people appointed to county committees) a $25 per diem allowance warps the system in that assignments become colored by their per diem status. Ann Arbor city committee members have never received a per diem, and members seem to be able to attend meetings despite this. The story doesn’t indicate whether per diems for other committee members would be cut out, but I think it would be a good consideration. It would save considerable bookkeeping expenses along with the actual payments.

I would advise against reducing the salary amounts, however. It is true that this is not a job, but people who serve fully in this or other local government positions give up a great deal of opportunity for other pursuits (including income generation), and they should be adequately compensated. Further, if compensation is limited, it becomes an objective only for the independently affluent. County commissioners in other counties are paid much more. I think I heard on the radio that Detroit city councilmembers are paid over $100,000. I think our own local elected officials are well within the mark.

I also think that a modest travel allowance should be retained. As a commissioner, I learned a great deal from attending workshops and newer commissioners in particular need to have this training. It should have a cap, though.

By: Barbara Levin Bergman Barbara Levin Bergman Sat, 16 May 2009 13:01:26 +0000 Commissioners must set an example and right now, the most obvious way to do so, is to end per diems. This can be done immediately. A year from now, we can vote ourselves some reduction in base pay and at that time revisit the per diem issue. But at this moment we need to make cuts in our personal revenues . The county budget and our roles as leaders demand this.

There is no reason for commissioner travel to be included in the budget. Commissioners at present make at least $15,500 annually and unless they are traveling extensively, travel for educational purposes should not be considered a money loosing proposition for any commissioner. You have to travel a lot for educational purposes to use up your salary . In my opinion, we are elected as public servants and receive a great deal of gratification and community recognition as our most compensation.

By: Leah Gunn Leah Gunn Sat, 16 May 2009 11:05:21 +0000 I did not attend the Administrative briefing because I was on a plane returning from a hastily planned family visit. This proposal has been around for at least three months, both in electronic form and in paper form passed out to all the Commissioners. I would never put forth a proposal that I had not informed my fellow Commissioners about. I had also proposed cuts in the previous term (2007-08), but was turned down.

I strongly believe that we Commissioners should show our employees that we are willing to make substantial cuts in our budget to “share the pain”. The cuts are mainly in per diems and conference travel, and do not affect mileage. In these hard times, I do not think it is asking too much to expect that Commissioners stay home and tend to business. If they want to travel to a conference, they can pay for it themselves.

Also, I asked our government relations representative, Kirk Profit, to take a five percent cut, in addition to the 5% cut he had already taken, and he agreed without hesitation.

The resolution will be on the Ways and Means Agenda as proposed, and any amendments would be proposed at the Board meeting.

Being a County Commissioner is not a job. It is public service.
