Comments on: Art in the Wild: The Kerrytown Arch it's like being there Tue, 16 Sep 2014 04:56:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Judith Jacobs Judith Jacobs Mon, 06 Jul 2009 20:34:54 +0000 I think this is a fine sculpture, and I like the idea that original paving bricks cover the plaza. But I never felt this plaza was “amiably” landscaped. A few low shrubs and flowers would have helped a lot, making it less cold, even in winter. And couldn’t the sculpture have been refinished in some way other than black paint?

By: John Hilton John Hilton Mon, 06 Jul 2009 20:24:02 +0000 The black paint was also part of the renovation–Cor-Ten was supposed to be self-protecting, but wasn’t. I just took a close look at “Gateless Gate” last week, and there’s no question, it’s a lot less “amiable”–I felt like a mouse dodging a mousetrap.

By: Susan Pollay Susan Pollay Mon, 06 Jul 2009 17:24:42 +0000 An addition to this story…. the Ann Arbor DDA & City Parks Dept worked in partnership to completely renovate Sculpture Plaza in 2007. The project included relaying all the bricks to address trip hazards and slippery conditions that had arisen over time, redesigning and expanding the two planters to improve sightlines and to encourage more greenery, removing a street light that had impeded pedestrians on the N. 4th Ave edge, replacing all the tables and installing many more seats, bike hoops, trash cans and recycle containers. An additional project partner to thank – the People’s Food Coop continues to take responsibility for the moveable chairs and tables purchased for this project, locking them up at night/releasing them in the morning. This generous gesture has been a wonderful element in the Plaza’s rebirth and a much appreciated donation on behalf of the community.

By: Colleen M Colleen M Mon, 06 Jul 2009 13:34:40 +0000 The bricks in the plaza are from the original brick paving on Detroit street, which was closed to create the park. If you look at the storefronts, you can see the corner where Detroit Street intersected Fourth a short way down. There was a small triangular traffic island where the park is now.

The bricks were removed, cleaned and stacked by neighborhood residents and other volunteers before the construction work began. Then they were re-used to create the surface for the park.
