Comments on: West Park Art Project Nears Completion it's like being there Tue, 16 Sep 2014 04:56:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mr. Green Mr. Green Sun, 31 Oct 2010 12:31:00 +0000 I took a look at the park and was very impressed by the beautiful new tree sculptures.

Rest assured, there are still many real trees there (and quite a few leaves to be picked up), if that’s a concern.

By: M. M. Thu, 21 Oct 2010 13:59:31 +0000 We really have to spend $700,000 on a water piece that is designed from an artist in Germany?
Way to think LOCAL Ann Arbor!! Maybe had you NOT outsourced, it may have come at a cheaper cost, thus giving you more money for other art works.
AAPAC has yet to reach out to the surrounding community!!

By: Bug Bug Mon, 18 Oct 2010 20:33:53 +0000 Metal trees, painted red and copper.

What was wrong with real trees? Oh right, this way there’s no leaves to pick up.

By: Mary Morgan Mary Morgan Thu, 14 Oct 2010 18:36:08 +0000 At AAPAC’s April 2010 meeting, they discussed what to do with the stacked-book sculpture. As far as I know, no action has been taken. Here’s the relevant section from our coverage of that April AAPAC meeting:

Elaine Sims asked what would happen to the current book sculpture in that park ["Arbor Sapientiae" by Ronald Bauer]. She confirmed that the DDA wanted it moved. [Margaret] Parker said they’d need to set up a task force to decide what to do with it – either moving it to a new location, storing it or de-accessioning it. The task force should include community members, she said, not just AAPAC members. People are aware of the sculpture, she added, and it needs to be treated with respect. She said the same thing needed to be done with the nine-panel, 27-foot-wide mosaic by artist Gerome Kamrowski, formerly located at city hall – the municipal center task force will be handling that.

By: Tom Whitaker Tom Whitaker Thu, 14 Oct 2010 18:09:21 +0000 Arbor Sapientiae is still in the back of Hanover Square (relocated there from the former “island” at State and Liberty). The discussion noted in the article appears to be about possible placement of new art in the newly-built raised, brick planter on the corner. It currently has a very nice flower garden in it.

By: Vivienne Armentrout Vivienne Armentrout Thu, 14 Oct 2010 15:24:35 +0000 Why was it necessary to remove the existing artwork at Hanover Square (“Arbor Sapientiae” by Ronald Bauer)? I liked it myself and it is part of our urban history. (As a side note, any news of its fate?) I am bothered that this group seems to diminish the value of existing public art, which was often the result of a donation to the city, and to promote spending public funds on new installations instead.

By: Tom Whitaker Tom Whitaker Thu, 14 Oct 2010 14:51:17 +0000 Hanover Square is a City Park outside the DDA boundary. Why has the decision about what happens been left to the DDA, and possibly AAPAC, too?
Where is the Parks Department and the Parks Advisory Commission on this? Shouldn’t they, with input from the public, be the ones who decide what is best for this location, whether it is art, a tree, a garden or a fountain?
The bonds that are paying for this street work are general obligation bonds that were issued based on the full faith and credit of the City of Ann Arbor (part of the underground parking structure deal).
The City should be in charge of what happens within City parks, not the DDA or AAPAC.
