Comments on: Mid-Mulholland it's like being there Tue, 16 Sep 2014 04:56:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: suswhit suswhit Tue, 18 Jan 2011 12:21:53 +0000 Today is not going to be an easy day to walk anywhere! If it looks wet assume it’s ice!!

By: Donna Estabrook Donna Estabrook Tue, 18 Jan 2011 00:44:18 +0000 Not only is it dangerous but for those with limited mobility it can prevent you from moving. My daughter uses a wheelchair and frequently buses (great bus system for wheelchair users, BTY) to downtown. Once there it is very often a challenge to wheel where she needs to go because the curb cuts are clogged with snow and ice. Passers-by help her but this shouldn’t be necessary. As I understand it, owners of property on the corners are responsible for keeping the curb cuts clear. Many downtown property owners are lax about this to say the least.

By: Elyse Rubin Elyse Rubin Mon, 17 Jan 2011 13:24:03 +0000 So true. People need to assess their sidewalks carefully each morning and evening. My daughter witnessed a bad fall taken by a Slauson Middle School student on Huron. She slipped on the ice and the cello she was carrying fell on top of her. When EMTs responded they suspected that an ankle and toe had been broken. Poor kid.

By: TeacherPatti TeacherPatti Sun, 16 Jan 2011 02:03:36 +0000 :( Hope you are okay soon!!!
