I , however, believe Chris Easthope that neither he nor Joan Lowenstein supported the police/court project out of self-interest. I happen to know that Chris did not even consider running for the judgeship until 2007 after Ann Mattson announced her impending retirement and he was encouraged to run by several heavy hitters in Ann Arbor, including District Court Chief Judge Julie Creal. The idea for a police/court building was in the works long before this. I believe that Mr Cahill was speculating as to Mr. Easthope’s motives as a City Councilman.
That said, I appreciate David Cahill’s astute coverage of the local political scene. He was the only one who called the Steve Kunselman victory over Leigh Greden in 2009 in the Third Ward City Council election. Cahill has been a beacon of information for the local electorate in exposing some of the goings-on at City Hall.