Comments on: County Board Strategizes on 2012-13 Budget it's like being there Tue, 16 Sep 2014 04:56:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Vivienne Armentrout Vivienne Armentrout Mon, 14 Feb 2011 18:50:51 +0000 I’d also like to caution commissioners from taking too much of a ROI (return on investment) perspective. Many benefits of services can be understood intuitively but difficult to subject to a metrics test. To choose a non-county example, I was appalled to hear that President Obama is choosing not to fund Great Lakes restoration efforts. It is doubtless difficult to document what is the actual economic benefit of cleaning up the Great Lakes and preserving both their water quality and the safety of food obtained from them, but it is real and apparent.

Commissioners should not fall into what I call false objectivization of decisions that will, ultimately, be made subjectively.

By: Vivienne Armentrout Vivienne Armentrout Mon, 14 Feb 2011 16:06:54 +0000 Yes, I agree. The Chronicle’s coverage of Washtenaw County government has been a great service and very refreshing, since this area previously received very little news coverage.

Those of us who live in Ann Arbor frequently have less understanding of all the important functions that the county serves than those who live outside the city. We may be most conscious of the social safety net aspects, for example.

However, I would urge the new Commissioner Rabhi to look beyond poetry and idealism to see that many county services are essential to maintenance of our entire civil and physical system. In particular, the environmental and public health functions are key to all county residents, even if they are not disadvantaged. The “core services” are called that for a reason. That does not mean that all departments should not be called on to find economies, but we should avoid losing the technical expertise and institutional competence that help to support our quality of life in this county. These services are mostly invisible only because they work so well.

Mr. Rabhi’s comments about localization are interesting to me,as I personally support that concept. But it should not be interpreted as casting loose from Federal and State monetary support for their mandated services.

And please, keep the transparency. Mr. Smith often complains about it, but this is the people’s work.

By: Leah Gunn Leah Gunn Mon, 14 Feb 2011 14:49:45 +0000 Thanks to you, Mary, we will not “lose” what we talked about at our retreats. You do the community a great service.

By: Mark Koroi Mark Koroi Mon, 14 Feb 2011 04:34:14 +0000 One thing I am wondering is who at the county level authorizes the filing of lawsuits in the county’s name. reports that the County of Washtenaw has retained the outside attorney Cynthia Reach of the Reach Law Firm in Ann Arbor to commence legal proceedings for libel against a homeless veteran claiming alleged misconduct by two WCSD deputies.

An action has already been commenced in The circuit court and a hearing is scheduled before Judge Melinda Morris this Wednesday to compel the man, who apparently now resides in Roseville, to produce flyers he allegedly has been distributing.

While finding ways to trim waste in the budget may be tough, this expenditure in legal fees by the county to sue a clearly uncollectible person takes the cake. The publicity it has received in the media due to the county’s legal proceedings have ensured that the homeless man’s allegations will receive more public exposure than he could ever have dreamed by simply posting flyers. The article also has identified by name the two deputies involved.

I cannot fathom what the county hopes to gain by expending potentially thousands of dollars from the county treasury in an attempt to obtain a libel judgment against a recently homeless veteran.

I am wondering if the County Commission approved such an expenditure? Or if they are even aware that someone in the county authorized such a suit at taxpayers’ expense.
