Comments on: Public Hearing Starts Without Aparkolypse it's like being there Tue, 16 Sep 2014 04:56:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Walter Cramer Walter Cramer Sat, 05 Nov 2011 13:39:46 +0000 Major construction projects – whether road work, parking structures, or large buildings – almost always make life miserable for those who live, work, or just commute through the area. If the party doing the construction (whether private or government) had to compensate the neighbors, that might ease their pain, and encourage quicker or more considerate construction.

By: Vivienne Armentrout Vivienne Armentrout Fri, 04 Nov 2011 23:12:20 +0000 According to the Norwegian American homepage, it is indeed uff da. Maybe the usage in southern Wisconsin was corrupted or maybe I misused it.

Anyway, that is a terrible pun.

By: Jeff Harris Jeff Harris Fri, 04 Nov 2011 18:02:45 +0000 Oof-da if you’re from Minnesota, for sure.

By: Rod Johnson Rod Johnson Fri, 04 Nov 2011 13:05:17 +0000 (Vivienne: not “oof-da”?)

By: Rod Johnson Rod Johnson Fri, 04 Nov 2011 13:04:34 +0000 Agreed, there are valid reasons to make street parking more expensive. A significant amount of congestion comes from people driving around looking for parking, for instance. (I have to recommend, again, Tom Vanderbilt’s Traffic for an eye-opening discussion of this and many other driving phenomena.)

However, to make this really work for our downtown, the structures have to consistently cost less. If you’re talking about demand pricing, then you have to make the premium slots (street parking) more expensive.

By: Tom Hollyer Tom Hollyer Fri, 04 Nov 2011 01:38:03 +0000 While the “Nightmare on Fifth” is undoubtedly close to killing off Herb David, Jerusalem Garden and The Earthen Jar, which would be a tragedy, it is an issue that is quite different from enforcement hours and rates at the meters.

I am aware that my view is an unpopular one, but I would advocate enforcing meters until at least 10pm with a one hour maximum. Better yet, a half hour maximum. Why does anyone expect to park on the street and spend an evening downtown?

Long-term (one hour or more) parking in the structures, short-term parking on the street. Come on folks, there is no place in downtown Ann Abor that is more than 3 blocks from a structure. And there is never a time when those structures are full. If you want to make an argument for 1 or 2 or whatever hours free in the structures, fine, there is merit in that.

But street parking should be for quick in and outs at retailers, carry outs from restaurants, drop offs at the library, coffee pick ups, shoe repairs, bank runs, convenience type stuff, etc.

Street parking should not be for leisurely dinners, movies, music lessons, window shopping/strolling, etc.

I think the merchants associations are listening to the wrong people and not looking at the bigger picture. I, for one, actually spend a lot less money downtown because the current system doesn’t provide for fast enough turnover at meters. If I knew that I could drive around a couple of blocks and find a space for a quick in and out at a retailer or to pick up a carry out, I would probably be spending twice what I do downtown.

By: Vivienne Armentrout Vivienne Armentrout Fri, 04 Nov 2011 00:08:10 +0000 Re: title. As we used to hear in Wisconsin, oofka.
