Comments on: School Board to Use Savings to Bridge Deficit it's like being there Tue, 16 Sep 2014 04:56:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Christine Stead Christine Stead Tue, 05 Jun 2012 14:22:02 +0000 There are many opportunities to work across all entities in order to solve for how we will provide the high quality of education, and all of its surrounding services, that have long been central to our community in Ann Arbor.

With any committees that may form to explore a specific area, the supporting business model cannot be ignored. Assumptions regarding funding sources and anticipating funding trends will be essential to achieve any recommendations that might come out of a transportation, or any other, committee.

Long term strategic and financial planning should be embarked upon soon, as the AAPS strategic plan takes us through this year. As with the current strategic plan, I expect that providing adequate resources will continue to be an area that is part of the strategic planning effort.

In the meantime, I am interested in engaging in a very tactical 3 year financial plan for the AAPS. While we do not know what our budget from Lansing will look like, we do have two years from which precedence has been established. The AAPS will continue to qualify for best practices – both in financial reporting/management, as well as programs and student performance. However, we also have the precedence that the AAPS will receive less incremental funds relative to other districts (see the Senate FY13 budget approved, especially ‘equity payments).

As a community, we need to start planning for how we will maintain a high quality public education system, which is a foundational value in Ann Arbor. I will work hard to support any effort to accomplish this goal, as well as providing adequate funding for our students.

By: James Jefferson James Jefferson Tue, 05 Jun 2012 13:25:15 +0000 When this transportation study committee is formed I hope that members of the public and corporate partners of the schools are included. The idea that an existing committee could be used to study a new topic doesn’t make sense. There seems to be a good deal of thoughtful public work being done by concerned school parents and parent groups that should be taken into consideration. Also, there is the AAPSEF, they have a large board and input on other issues, maybe they could be involved? And the AA PTO Thriftshop has an existing grant to the schools for extracurricular busing costs up to 100K, that is saving a lot of student enrichment opportunities, I would think these types of groups might want a say.

And of course I agree with the need for all concerned with education to get on the phone to Lansing and urge them to act in a responsible manner towards education funding.

By: Ruth Kraut Ruth Kraut Tue, 05 Jun 2012 02:52:14 +0000 I really appreciate the board members who are pushing for starting budget discussions which will address the need for major cuts much earlier in the year. October seems like a good starting date to me.
