Comments on: AADL Board to Vote on New Downtown Library it's like being there Tue, 16 Sep 2014 04:56:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: James Jefferson James Jefferson Thu, 19 Jul 2012 02:30:17 +0000 The only good thing I can think to say about this is that at least the library board had the decency and planning skills to build the new branches without raising debt. And they had the common sense to set aside this project when the economy soured, instead of plowing on with it like the city would do. Also, how many times have you had a millage rate go back down?

That being said, I don’t think this is the best solution to the library “problem”. I agree the west side is more needy, we on the Northside had a mall style branch for years, we were rewarded for our patience with Traverwood. My real complaint is that those of us unfortunate enough to be part of working class Ann Arbor are facing an ever increasing tax burden that makes it difficult to save, and maybe difficult to stay in the community. We are big library users, and for years I have been happy to pay the relatively few dollars per year for the outstanding services provided. But when combined with a technology bond, a property tax increase, rising water and utility rates, rising gas prices, a potential DIA bond, a potential train station bond and god knows what else, it all adds up to too much. I am afraid I will have to vote NO on this.

By: Jim Rees Jim Rees Tue, 17 Jul 2012 23:29:47 +0000 Re: 8

I was taking five years as the total, subtracting 1.5 years for the design phase, and adding 20%. But that’s actually closer to four years. My apologies.

By: m.c. zacharias m.c. zacharias Tue, 17 Jul 2012 18:05:08 +0000 unconscionable disposal of a sturdy, attractive building.
ann arbor……….please simply vote NO!

By: Susie Susie Tue, 17 Jul 2012 15:11:52 +0000 @1 (Jim Rees): I’m not sure where you got the idea that the downtown library would be closed for five years. The article says the construction of the new library would take 1.5 to 2 years; the library would be closed for an unspecified period before construction for moving out and demolition.

“. . . . Developing a schematic design could take about 18 months.

“During that time, the library would secure temporary locations at other sites to continue the downtown library’s operations and services, and the existing building would be demolished. Based on the AADL’s experience building other branches, Parker estimated it would take another 18-24 months to build the new structure. The entire process could take four to five years, depending on how long the design phase takes, and on the weather, which is a big factor in Michigan, she said.”

It’s still a long time to be without a downtown library, of course; but we can hope the results will be worth the wait.

By: Alan Goldsmith Alan Goldsmith Tue, 17 Jul 2012 14:15:54 +0000 So with interest payments, we’re talking over a hundred million dollars? And a closed downtown library for five years?

By: Smitt Smitt Tue, 17 Jul 2012 13:55:57 +0000 An organization that has already proved it cannot properly maintain a large building. When your own incompetence is the reason you expect $65 million, I vote no.

By: Becky Becky Tue, 17 Jul 2012 13:52:54 +0000 What I want to know is when we going to get a new West branch library? All the other branch libraries have been rebuilt with fancy “green” features and so forth, while the West Branch has just been left to languish in a too-tiny strip mall location. There’s plenty of land nearby that could by used for a new branch library. How come every single other branch AND the main library are getting expensive overhauls but no one has even mentioned improvements to the West branch? Those of us who live on the west side pay taxes too, you know.

By: Eric Eric Tue, 17 Jul 2012 13:02:43 +0000 By the time this is finished few people will need to go to a physical building to get printed information. Meetings can easily be held in rented spaces, taverns, etc. Rumpus space for children can go to elementary schools. This is basically a white elephant project. Why not admit that the main purpose is to provide money for architects and construction companies and to keep the dufferdom payroll going?

By: Stew Nelson Stew Nelson Tue, 17 Jul 2012 12:09:40 +0000 This is a project we can all get behind. It is too bad the idea was shelved in 2008. When the economy is bad is exactly when the library is needed most. Oh well, better late than never. This will be an asset for every resident of Ann Arbor. If the Library Lot can become our “Central Park” it will provide the perfect compliment and leave a legacy that will make us all proud.


By: Rod Johnson Rod Johnson Tue, 17 Jul 2012 02:48:15 +0000 During the UMMA renovation, the entire collection was in storage for two years or so. It sucked for everyone involved, staff and patrons. But when the new building opened, I think most people felt it had been worth it. And at least AADL has the branches.

(Not commenting on whether the new library is a good idea–just saying a long-term closing isn’t desirable but it’s survivable.)
