Comments on: Ann Arbor Council Ward 4: Jack or Margie? it's like being there Tue, 16 Sep 2014 04:56:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jack Eaton Jack Eaton Fri, 20 Jul 2012 13:30:36 +0000 The article notes about me that “He framed his thoughts on local issues by pointedly listing out those things he supports, not things he opposes.” I think you have identified an important distinction.

As a citizen I often find myself speaking out against proposals being considered by Council. Were I to be elected to Council I would be able to pursue a positive agenda.

As an example, I opposed using part of Huron Hills for a privately run driving range and golf shops. I also oppose the current effort to use park land as the site for a new Amtrak station. As a Council member, I could instead support the park land protection amendment to our City Charter (being proposed by Council Members Lumm and Anglin). That affirmative action to protect parks would end the need for park by park opposition to repurposing our park lands. (It might also give Council more time to consider bigger issues such as safety staffing.)

By: Alan Goldsmith Alan Goldsmith Thu, 19 Jul 2012 13:57:53 +0000 “Teall: She said she could not identify only one issue citywide, but for Ward 4 it would be to try to solve the flooding problems. She said she did not realize until recently that the footing drain disconnect program actually goes back to the 1990s, when there were hundreds of houses and people who were affected. That’s been significantly reduced due to the footing drain disconnect program, she said. But there is still a lot of work to do. She has learned about the extraordinary expense to actually replace all the infrastructure.”

If no other reason than this clueless statement, Ms. Teall should NOT be returned to office. “She did not realize until recently”?? Could it be perhaps because she refuses to answer emails from 4th Ward residents? Could it be because she’d rather lobby for 2% For Art than spend her time on real, 4th Ward, day-to-day City services issues? Could it be the only reason this is an issue (Churchill Downs flooding) is because neighbors were so fed up with no response from Teall and the Mayor they were forced to speak before Council to get their attention? One thing for such–if you vote for Teall, you know exactly what you’ll be getting from your representative–tax payer dodging business as usual. Now maybe she can explain why she’s leaving town for a week before the election and won’t be available for the next planned candidate debate.
