Comments on: Park Commission Focuses on Downtown, Dogs it's like being there Tue, 16 Sep 2014 04:56:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Steve Bean Steve Bean Wed, 29 Aug 2012 17:08:04 +0000 @6: Jim, that would be a difficult case to make. Having been married to a Main Street merchant and spoken with others about that idea, I couldn’t make such a case myself, especially absent a successful example in the Midwest. To point to just one aspect that you mentioned, foot traffic primarily shadows car traffic. If car traffic were eliminated from that stretch of Main, the foot traffic would follow, with the activity shifting to 4th Ave (or maybe Ashley, or even all the way to State St.) over time. If more people came downtown without their car, then the potential would be greater. For now, closing Main for large events works well.

As for park land downtown in general, I had suggested a while back that the city consider selling Liberty Plaza (a corner lot) and put the park on top of the new structure. Now that the structure has been built (at added expense) to support a large building on top, that option is no longer viable. Maybe moving the transit center–including Greyhound–there is still a possibility, though, which would free up the current site for a more direct cut-through park to/from both the underground structure and the 4th and William one than the old Y lot could.

By the way, the doorstop Fed building would be something for local Dems to call their buddy John Dingell about, wouldn’t you think? And again, and again, ….

Until Liberty Plaza is a cut-through space like Sculpture Plaza, it won’t function as some people would prefer. (It functions quite well for those people who use it, and there are quite a few–apparently just not the “right” people), as well as for some (smaller) events. The best option for such (given that the suggestions above aren’t likely to fly anymore now than they did before) is the Palio lot, which could have a diagonal (NW to SE) sidewalk with seating on both sides and plantings along William. If William were put on a lane diet with on-street(!) parking added (yet another past suggestion), the traffic noise would be reduced and the intersection at Main could be more pedestrian friendly (i.e., narrower by way of bump outs).

By: Jim Rees Jim Rees Wed, 29 Aug 2012 13:30:58 +0000 A quick and easy way to start might be to close Main Street from William to Huron to motor vehicles. Yes I know it was a failure in Kalamazoo, but it’s worked great in some other places and I think it would work here. We’ve certainly got the pedestrian traffic to support it. Now would be a good time to do it with Fifth Avenue finally re-opened.

By: B B Tue, 28 Aug 2012 15:15:01 +0000 Sorry, Mr Mayor. We need more central green space if we want more density. More cement, and only cars will go there. Only three inches of soil, but the place can hold a building? Ever heard of raised beds? Plant the trees in pots. Whatever. Stop making excuses to continue to follow a bad design.

By: Steve Bean Steve Bean Tue, 28 Aug 2012 13:25:39 +0000 @3: It goes higher (and deeper) than that with the parking structures. The answer is “no”, not when it doesn’t fit the mayor’s (and therefore city council’s and the DDA’s) vision. All for “economic growth” that will reach a clear end in a matter of months as we dive into the depths of this depression and leave behind cheaply obtained power post-oil extraction peak.

By: Jim Rees Jim Rees Tue, 28 Aug 2012 13:14:45 +0000 A quick check of Google Maps suggests that more than half of the surface area of downtown is devoted to cars. Can’t some of that be converted to park land?

By: Tom Whitaker Tom Whitaker Mon, 27 Aug 2012 19:48:30 +0000 “The DDA talks about how the recent underground Library Lane parking structure is the last one it intends to build, [Pollay] said.”

Isn’t there one currently under construction at First and Washington, funded by the DDA?

By: Stewart Nelson Stewart Nelson Mon, 27 Aug 2012 18:43:30 +0000 I hate to keep harping on this but how is it that Tim Berla can serve on the PAC for over 10 years when the committee rules say that 6 years is maximum? I know he was on the RAC and they have a seat but it seems to me to be a big loop hole that allows him to bypass the rules.
