Archive for August, 2012

Adjustments Made to 2012 County Budget

Washtenaw County commissioners authorized a $1,263,994 mid-year adjustment to its 2012 general fund budget, in a unanimous vote taken at the board’s Aug. 1, 2012 meeting. The final vote followed a second-quarter financial update from the county administration. It brings the 2012 general fund budget to $101,162,770.

The adjustment includes equal increases in revenues and expenditures. The additional revenues come from higher-than-projected property tax revenues of $2,417,690. The main increase in expenditures comes from an increase in personnel costs over the budgeted amount for 2012. The original budget had anticipated labor savings of $2,481,008 – but the bulk of those reductions have not yet materialized. The county did realize more than $1 million in reduced labor costs due to 118 retirements in 2011. However, that savings has … [Full Story]

County Board Suspends CUB Agreement

For the second time in the past 12 months, the Washtenaw County board of commissioners voted to suspend the county’s use of Construction Unity Board (CUB) agreements. The 8-2 vote was taken at the board’s Aug. 1, 2012 meeting, with dissent from Alicia Ping and Ronnie Peterson. Rolland Sizemore Jr. was absent.

CUB agreements are a type of project labor agreements, negotiated between local trade unions and contractors. CUB agreements require that contractors who sign the agreement abide by terms of collective bargaining agreements for the duration of the construction project. In return, the trade unions agree that they will not strike, engage in work slow-downs, set up separate work entrances at the job site or take any other adverse action against … [Full Story]

County Board Exempts B&Bs from Hotel Tax

Bed & breakfasts and cottages are now exempt from Washtenaw County’s 5% accommodations tax, following final approval of ordinance changes by the county board of commissioners at their Aug. 1, 2012 meeting.

In addition to exempting cottages and bed & breakfasts with less than 14 rooms, the change also exempts individuals who occasionally lease out rooms. These types of establishments account for less than 1% of the total tax collected in Washtenaw County, according to a staff memo accompanying the resolution.

According to the county treasurer’s report to the Washtenaw County accommodation ordinance commission, in 2011 the county collected $3.99 million in accommodation taxes. The money is primarily distributed to the county’s two convention & visitors bureaus (CVBs) – in Ann Arbor ($2.69 million … [Full Story]

County Clerk to Issue Photo IDs for Veterans

Washtenaw County commissioners approved a proposal from county clerk Larry Kestenbaum that allows the clerk’s office to issue veteran photo ID cards for a $10 fee. The vote occurred at the county board’s Aug. 1, 2012 meeting.

According to a staff memo, county clerks in Michigan are permitted to record military discharge certificates for veterans. Those certificates – called DD-214s – are bulky and can’t be carried around easily. A veteran’s ID card would serve the same purpose, allowing veterans to show more easily a proof of service – to take advantage of discounts for veterans offered by businesses. The memo notes that $10 photo IDs are currently offered in Livingston, Oakland and Macomb counties.

The $10 fee would cover the cost of … [Full Story]

County Accepts Weatherization Grant

At its Aug. 1, 2012 meeting, the Washtenaw County board of commissioners authorized the acceptance of $289,800 in additional federal funds for the county’s weatherization program. The funds will allow the county to weatherized 26 housing units for low-income residents.

The money is available through the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), also known as the federal stimulus program. It’s a redistribution of funding that had previously been awarded to other communities but was not used. In total since 2009, Washtenaw County has received $5,053,338 in ARRA funding for its weatherization program, and has served 721 housing units. The program is administered through the office of community and economic development, a joint county/city of Ann Arbor department.

According to a staff memo, … [Full Story]

Fuller Road

Fuller Road pedestrian crossing near Fuller Pool. No cars stop on either side of road for pedestrians at crosswalk despite signs indicating they must do so.

No Need for Clerk to Authorize Ballot Language

A Civic News Ticker published on July 30, 2012 incorrectly stated that Washtenaw County clerk Larry Kestenbaum would authorize the final ballot language for a $65 million bond proposal that the Ann Arbor District Library board is placing on the Nov. 6 ballot. In fact, the final language that was approved by the AADL board at its July 30 meeting does not require additional authorization by the county clerk. We note the error here, and have corrected the original Ticker.