Comments on: County Board Weighs Right-to-Work Response it's like being there Tue, 16 Sep 2014 04:56:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Alan Goldsmith Alan Goldsmith Wed, 09 Jan 2013 16:49:18 +0000 Maybe LaBarre will now threaten to write a really really strongly worded letter to the Governor expressing his outrage over using the Pure Michigan advertising budget for union bashing too? [link]

By: Alan Goldsmith Alan Goldsmith Wed, 09 Jan 2013 13:04:32 +0000 Re:#8. The verdict is still out on this issue, especially for LaBarre, in spite of getting kudos from Conan Smith. And Rabhi is the only one of these four listed who marched with the University of Michigan Nurses Union during their stalled negotiations with the U of M. The others apparently had other priorities at the time.

By: Trevor Staples Trevor Staples Wed, 09 Jan 2013 11:49:03 +0000 This is one of the reasons we should all be proud to live in Washtenaw County. Like Smith, Rabhi, Sizemore, and Labarre, all of our local leadership (management or not) should not be afraid to stand up for what’s right for everyone in our community.

Management and workers compromising, supporting each other, and striving for the best situation overall is exactly what should be happening. BOC members are showing where they stand, and that they will fight for their constituencies.

By: Mary Morgan Mary Morgan Wed, 09 Jan 2013 04:33:04 +0000 Re. [6]: This is from a previous Chronicle report that gives a different perspective on the genesis of the special working session [link]:

In an email sent to commissioners and commissioners-elect on Dec. 30, Yousef Rabhi – who was elected board chair earlier at the Jan. 2 meeting – announced the intent to call a special session: “Second, there is a group of Commissioners (myself included) that wish to call a Special Working Session on January 3rd at 6:00 p.m. Technically, this could have been done last year as there was more than 1/3 of the Board that desired to call the meeting. However, Curt [Hedger, the county's corporation counsel] advised that it would be best to call the meeting from the floor of the BOC meeting. The meeting would be for the purpose of discussing the implications of the ‘Right to Work’ legislation on the County.”

By: Conan Smith Conan Smith Wed, 09 Jan 2013 04:04:46 +0000 Just one note: this whole conversation was driven by Andy LaBarre’s leadership. He called the meeting and assigned the topic and assembled the presenters. It is difficult to be an outspoken issue advocate from the chair position and fairly run the meeting. He did an amazing job bringing this issue to the forefront and should be commended.

By: Dave Cahill Dave Cahill Tue, 08 Jan 2013 21:17:33 +0000 Smith’s posturing on this issue could easily set the County up for an Unfair Labor Practice charge in the future. His theory is legally baseless, as Paul Gallagher tried to tell him.

By: Alan Goldsmith Alan Goldsmith Tue, 08 Jan 2013 20:51:00 +0000 [link]

Mr. LaBarre’s strong outrage at the Michigan Chamber of Commerce’s support of union busting. So this timidness as a Commissioner isn’t surprising. Apparently he didn’t learn much during his time working with union rights champion Congressman John Dingell either.

By: Vivienne Armentrout Vivienne Armentrout Tue, 08 Jan 2013 20:45:01 +0000 I really didn’t want to comment on this, but I have to defend Andy LaBarre. He was correct that the BOC should not openly discuss labor strategy, at least not in that way. (That has been a long-term custom at the BOC.) He should not be castigated as a doubtful Democrat because he is trying to moderate discussion on a very difficult subject. Further, I think it incorrect that he is refusing to challenge RTW – he has raised the issue of its possible economic impact in our region.

The BOC is in fact management. The administrator negotiates labor contracts, but the BOC approves them. Management should not be punishing employees for their decisions regarding joining the union. Conan Smith is making very inflammatory statements in essentially threatening county employees that they will have benefits or job consideration withheld if they do not maintain union membership at a future time. If management can make those statements, what about management in another institution that threatens employees who chose to join a union? Coercion should not be a part of this equation in either direction.

I am personally appalled by the action of the Legislature and the Governor at pushing Michigan unceremoniously into this position of being a RTW state. Local governments and local companies will have to work through all the implications with their union members. It will be the job of union leadership to convince both membership and employers that they bring value to the employer-employee relationship.

I am so sad for our excellent county employees who have had to swallow a lot in the last few years. I hope that the BOC can show leadership in making the transition as stress-free as possible rather than adding to the stress I’m sure all public employees feel in these times.

By: Alan Goldsmith Alan Goldsmith Tue, 08 Jan 2013 20:25:31 +0000 “It’s unclear how far the majority of commissioners would be willing to go in challenging the right-to-work law. At the Jan. 2 board meeting, the two Republican commissioners – Dan Smith and Alicia Ping – indicated they did not want to debate the issue.”

From this article two Republicans are anti-union, Smith, Rabhi, and Sizemore all are expressing pro-union sentiments. What is the basis, other than LaBarre, that the rest of the commissioners would be unwilling to challenge right-to-work laws?

By: Alan Goldsmith Alan Goldsmith Tue, 08 Jan 2013 20:16:49 +0000 “At this point, LaBarre interrupted Smith, saying that he had received some advice from Diane Heidt, the county’s human resources and labor relations director, that the board shouldn’t publicly discuss labor strategy.”

Andy LaBarre seems more worried about losing some convention business than worker civil rights. His fear of being open and transparent is troubling. Are we sure he’s a Democrat?

If I were any of the national union convention groups, I would pull 100% of my business from Michigan to send a clear message this terrorism against workers won’t be tolerated. Additionally, hopefully some folks who sat on their hands during the 2010 election for Governor are learning an important lesson here and might rethink vacationing in India with contributors who helped made this happen.

And despite his misuse of County funds, hanging out with crooked politicians like Bob Ficano, and his conflict of interest with his day job on the RTA, I hope Conan Smith is serious about this subject of trying come up with a best of a bad situation with collective bargaining rights in Washtenaw County. Even if this was a dog and pony show, he’s showing more guts than LaBarre, at least on this issue.

Let’s see how the next few weeks play out.
