Comments on: In the Archives: The Friendless Dead it's like being there Tue, 16 Sep 2014 04:56:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Laura Bien Laura Bien Fri, 01 Nov 2013 16:27:12 +0000 Kathy: It’s valuable information, to be sure! I am sorry to say I didn’t transcribe all of the names in a complete list–I just made notes on bits of information I wanted to use. I probably will go back to the Bentley some time after the turn of the year and transcribe the information, ideally into Excel on the laptop. When I have that information, I’ll definitely send the GSWC a copy!

By: Kathy Allbaugh Kathy Allbaugh Mon, 21 Oct 2013 14:22:52 +0000 As a volunteer for the Gen. Soc. of Wash. Co., we were wondering were we might obtain the names of all of the 108 bodies donated to UM in 1881. We often get genealogists requesting information about Washtenaw County residence. Thank you for the informative article.

By: cmadler cmadler Thu, 10 Oct 2013 18:32:40 +0000 I agree that it looks like a last. Seven inches would be small for a modern adult, but it’s an entirely reasonable length for a child’s shoe today.

By: Laura Bien Laura Bien Sat, 05 Oct 2013 23:34:26 +0000 George: it’s mind-boggling to imagine how many people have been saved or helped via research because of that program: literally tens of thousands of donors have contributed to date.

By: George Hammond George Hammond Fri, 04 Oct 2013 21:08:46 +0000 Now, the University’s Medical School has a carefully regulated Anatomical Donation Program, through which you can make arrangements to donate your body for use in science and research (once you’re done with it). You can even arrange for it to be used temporarily, then cremated and your ashes passed on to family. [link]

By: Laura Bien Laura Bien Fri, 04 Oct 2013 18:26:00 +0000 Jim: Interesting guess…it is quite narrow, too.

Rebecca: Ah, thank you for the tip. It’s always interesting to read about old trades and skills. Thanks!

Tom: Thank you for your kind words; I’m glad to be back!

By: Tom Brandt Tom Brandt Thu, 03 Oct 2013 01:55:54 +0000 Welcome back, Laura! It’s good to see your always fascinating posts back in the Chronicle.

By: rebecca rebecca Wed, 02 Oct 2013 23:08:32 +0000 Laura – you can get a copy for a very reasonable price from Amazon Drygoods. Or ask any re-enactor for a loan….

Mr. Rees – Please remember that women’s shoes are sized very differently from modern times. And people were smaller. Short feet are not a crime – my feet measure less than 9″. And I wear a size 6 (women’s).

By: Jim Rees Jim Rees Wed, 02 Oct 2013 12:37:51 +0000 Shoe last is a good guess, but I can’t find any pictures of old ones that look like this. It’s also too small. A woman’s shoe with a 7.5 inch last would be a size 1.5.

By: Laura Bien Laura Bien Wed, 02 Oct 2013 05:34:39 +0000 Yes indeed Vivienne, you are correct. And that is an interesting tidbit; thank you.
