Comments on: AADL Retreat: Prep for Next Strategic Plan it's like being there Tue, 16 Sep 2014 04:56:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: a2person a2person Thu, 13 Feb 2014 00:33:13 +0000 Thank you for this detailed report. I cannot even imagine Ann Arbor without our fabulous library. I am a heavy user of the library, in many ways — print books of all sorts, travel guides, kids books, DVDs, science kits, telescope, music, books on CD, website including reference sections, the fabulous maps to study map-reading with my kid, weird music things, AAPS BOE meeting attendence, library events, I could go on and on. I am astounded at the breadth and quality of what is offered by our library, and I thank the Library Board for being excellent stewards of our investment.

The most amusing quote in the article was by Neiburger, noting that K-12 collaboration is less than it could be due to lack of direct link to improved standardized test scores. How utterly depressing.

To the board and AADL employees: Thanks.

By: Alan Goldsmith Alan Goldsmith Tue, 11 Feb 2014 20:12:18 +0000 “•Does AADL need more branches, in the context of the overall system and the growing population in townships served by AADL? What’s the role and location of branches? Specifically, Nancy Kaplan noted that the branch in Westgate Plaza doesn’t offer programs, because it’s so small. What kinds of programs and services do people want at the branches, as opposed to downtown?”

Which brings to mind AADL director Josie Parker’s statement that the Westgate branch couldn’t be replaced because land prices were way too expensive on the westside of Ann Arbor. At the same time she was championing the failed Library millage to build a new $50 Million downtown branch replacement.

By: Curious Curious Tue, 11 Feb 2014 17:18:23 +0000 It seems odd the hiring/work of the image consultant they hired shortly after the recent tear-down/rebuild millage was defeated is not even mentioned.

I also wonder how much this facilitating consultant is needed. This group of people, after this long, is so ineffectual that an outside consultant is required to facilitate? Is every Commission/Board similarly handled?
