Environment Section

The Art of Bundling Cardboard

When Ann Arbor residents leave their corrugated cardboard out (before 7 a.m.) for curbside pickup by Recycle Ann Arbor, sometimes it doesn’t disappear by the time they’ve returned home in the evening. It will be sitting in the same neat pile they left it in – with one difference. Stuck to the top of the pile will be an orange sticky note declaring: “Your corrugated cardboard wasn’t prepared properly.” [Full Story]

What Bumper Stickers Say About Us

Following up on a previous Stopped. Watched. item about a provocative bumper sticker The Chronicle was provoked to chat with the owner of this Ford 4-speed manual transmission pickup:


Let's slip a boatload of veggie munching tree huggers under an oil rig and DRILL DOWN!


The signage created by this driver is not strictly speaking a “bumper sticker.” First, the frame he’s constructed atop the truck bed gate isn’t the bumper. And although he “sticks” them into the frame, he prints the text from his computer out onto ordinary 8.5 x 11 inches sheets of paper and pieces them together into a single message.

He creates a … [Full Story]

Good, Clean, Non-Nuclear Fun

Looking ahead to next week, on Aug. 25 the Clean Energy Coalition is hosting a free Clean Energy Game Night from 7-9 p.m. at the Corner Brewery in Ypsilanti. The object of this game, according to the Rio Grande Games Web site, is “to supply the most cities with power when someone’s network gains a predetermined size.” (We don’t know what that means either.) Can’t stand to wait until Monday to play? Then plunk down about $45 for your own game of Power Grid at one of two Ann Arbor game stores: Vault of Midnight, 219 S. Main St.; and Get Your Game On, 709 Packard.

Shooting Nature, Competitively

Spreading the word about an event in today’s digital age includes posting the information on websites, writing about it on personal blogs, exhorting other bloggers to blog about it, sending email to lists, listing it on Craigslist and Upcoming … and taping a sheet of paper on the wall where people can see it.

Posted on the wall next to the coffee carafes at the The Jefferson Market and Cakery

Posted on the wall next to the coffee carafes at the The Jefferson Market and Cakery

Absent the flyer – complete with tear-off tabs – posted at the Jefferson Market, The Chronicle would have missed the photo contest sponsored by … [Full Story]

Anatomy of a Bicycle-Car Crash Investigation

When the Ann Arbor News reported a bicycle-car collision on 25 June 2008 at the intersection of Packard and Wells, it generated considerable online chatter in the WBWC newsgroup. Exact details, especially concerning the outcome of the investigation, were not immediately available. Kris Talley, president of the Washtenaw Bicycling and Walking Coalition, wrote in a related thread, “I’m especially interested in finding out if the driver who right-hooked the Packard cyclist was ever charged.” [Full Story]

How Downtown Ann Arbor Trees Get Watered

The newly-planted trees at the surface parking lot created in place of the old YMCA building, which was demolished earlier this year, sport green bags at the base of their trunks. Most casual observers might guess the bags are used for watering. In this case, a guess based on a casual observation is … exactly right.

Tree at 5th and William St. next to the surface parking lot at the site of the old YMCA building.

Tree at 5th and William St. next to the surface parking lot at the site of the old YMCA building.

What’s not as easily guessed is that these Treegator® slow release watering … [Full Story]