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Stopped. Watched.

Stopped. Watched. stories are observations recorded by various Correspondents for The Chronicle in 140 characters or fewer. RSS feed for these stories

Ashley & Liberty Comments (0)

Inside Old Town Tavern a guy arrives with a tube of caulk and asks the barkeep: “Is Scotty here yet?” “No.” “Give him this, he’ll know.” Live music later was The Webbs with Scotty Karate on banjo. For the record, I did not observe Scotty caulking his banjo before they played their set. [photo 2] [photo 1]

Fourth & Catherine Comments (1)

I was taking a photo of Leslie Raymond, director of the Ann Arbor Film Festival, for a Stopped.Watched item when we were approached by two women. They cheerily offered to take a photo of us together – assuming, I think, that we’d just been married around the corner at the county administration building earlier today. We looked at each other, paused, then said: “Sure!” We’d met only about 5 minutes before, but we do make a cute couple. Raymond was out publicizing this year’s festival, which runs from March 25-30. [photo]

First & Liberty Comments (0)

Sign for Blank Slate Creamery in front of empty storefront at the northwest corner of First & Liberty. Work crew say it’ll open this summer. [photo]

First & Liberty Comments (2)

At the railroad tracks, two beagle-type dogs investigate fresh odors on both sides of the street and criss-cross Liberty. Owner tries to corral them with the aid of passers-by on each side of the street and the cooperation of motorists who wait in an increasingly long queue. I did my part. I left the scene as the two hounds were brought under some kind of control.

Liberty & Main Comments (0)

Found David Zinn of creating an optimistic chalk scene. [photo 1] [photo 2] Here is an idea that wouldn’t have any controversy. I noted that David’s home sidewalk was one of the best in the neighborhood for snow removal. He acknowledged he has a personal feeling for sidewalks. If the city paid lots of sidewalk chalk artists people would have another reason to keep sidewalks clear – for art. Two problems solved – not enough art and not enough clear sidewalks in the winter.

Liberty & Fourth Comments (0)

Signs of warm weather: People enjoying tea sitting on Liberty Street [photo 1]. A cross emerges from the snow in front of the Federal Building [photo 2][photo 3] and on William near Division someone has abandoned a tool that was put to lots of use this winter [photo 4]. A great day to be out walking!

Liberty & Ashley Comments (1)

At Downtown Home & Garden I notice finger puppets for sale. [photo] Now I will need to spend the rest of the afternoon testing the feasibility of finger puppet re-enactments of Ann Arbor city council meetings.

Murray & Liberty Comments (0)

Sign at entrance to Murray off of West Liberty: “This street requires additional snow removal. Please remove all vehicles Friday 12 a.m.-6 a.m.” [photo]

Ellsworth Comments (0)

House next to Mr. Roof on Ellsworth is actively on fire. Lots of responders on the scene. [photo] Added after initial publication: Apparently it is a training exercise, according to random firefighters we met elsewhere.