The Ann Arbor Chronicle » computer network it's like being there Wed, 26 Nov 2014 18:59:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 AAPS to Upgrade Computer Network Thu, 06 Sep 2012 13:03:09 +0000 Chronicle Staff A $76,463 contract with Sentinel Technologies, Inc. for purchase and installation of computer network equipment was the subject of an Ann Arbor Public School board briefing at its Sept. 5, 2012 meeting. The board approved the contract, with one dissenting vote, after changing the item’s status to a board action item. It had appeared originally on the agenda as a first briefing item. The change was driven by a decision the board made to alter its September meeting schedule.

According to the staff memo on the item, the new network equipment is supposed to make the district’s network and firewall more secure and reliable. The upgrade is also supposed to provide more internal and external bandwidth, and allow for increases in the future.

The network equipment would be paid for out of the district’s technology bond.

This brief was filed shortly after the meeting concluded. A more detailed report of the meeting will follow: [link]

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