According to a staff memo, the $77,000 base salary is $2,659 less than what the previous person in that position was paid, and is within the authorized salary range of $53,732 to $79,537 for that job. The memo also notes that because of mandatory unpaid furlough days, the $77,000 salary would be adjusted down by 3.846% to $74,034.
Heather Rice is being hired to fill this position, which is part of the office of the water resources commissioner, an elected position held by Janis Bobrin. Rice is a senior environmental specialist for the University of Michigan’s Department of Occupational Safety and Environmental Health, and is responsible for the UM’s stormwater permit program. As senior environmental planner with the county, Rice would be responsible for administering and ensuring compliance with all requirements of the county’s Phase II stormwater permit program.
This brief was filed from the boardroom of the county administration building, 220 N. Main St. in Ann Arbor. A more detailed report will follow: [link]