The Ann Arbor Chronicle » Gutenberg it's like being there Wed, 26 Nov 2014 18:59:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Election 2008 Photos: Gutenberg and Easthope Wed, 05 Nov 2008 18:04:49 +0000 Dave Askins Election 2008 Gutenberg Easthope

Unofficial results from the Washtenaw County website indicate a victory for Easthope. Easthope, 21,099; Gutenberg 18,825; Write-in, 480. Miss Saigon was not officially registered as a write-in candidate, so any votes cast for her will not be tallied.

At various polling places around the city of Ann Arbor, the colorful campaign signs for candidates stuck into the ground provided a nice complement to the spectacular fall foliage still stuck to the trees. But it wasn’t signs that impressed The Chronicle most – it was the live human beings offering literature in the 15th District Court judicial race. Many of them were family.

We met Eric Gutenberg’s parents, Erwin and Barbara, at Bach Elementary. At Thurston Elementary we met Christopher Easthope’s mother, Mary. And at Tappan Middle School we chatted with his sister, Tracey Easthope, and his nephew, Luke Desprez. And we met plenty of other Gutenberg or Easthope supporters at other polling places as well.

Gutenberg and Easthope themselves spent much of the day working outside the polls. Gutenberg spent the day at Slauson Middle School. Easthope spent at least part of the day at Slauson and certainly finished up there. n A few minutes before 8 p.m. when voting ended, the two candidates exchanged handshakes and congratulations on a good campaign. Easthope then headed over to Haisley Elementary to watch the polls close there – a tradition he maintains for every election. And it seems to have paid off again this time.

Editorial aside: The Chronicle congratulates Eric and Chris on a positive campaign that did our community proud. We’re looking forward to the service Chris will provide as judge and the continued service that Eric will provide in the county prosecutor’s office.

Here’s a set of Easthope-Gutenberg themed photos from the day.

Election 2008 Gutenberg Easthope

Eric Gutenberg just after polls opened at Slauson Middle School.

Election 2008 Gutenberg Easthope

Liz Lawrence and Barbara Debrodt got along fine all day as they handed out literature for Easthope and Gutenberg, respectively.

Chris Easthope, having just voted at Eberwhite Elementary, chats with city attorney Stephen Postema.

Election 2008 Gutenberg Easthope

Ingrid Sheldon, former mayor of Ann Arbor, at St. Paul's Lutheran School handing out literature for Eric Gutenberg.

Election 2008 Gutenberg Easthope

Finishing the night at Slauson Middle School: Marilyn Eisenbraun, Eric Gutenberg, Chris Easthope, Conan Smith, Rebekah Warren. Smith was unchallenged in his reelection bid for county commissioner, and Warren was reelected as 53rd District state representative.

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