Stories indexed with the term ‘security measures’

UM Regents OK New Security Restructuring

The University of Michigan has released results of an external investigation into a 2011 incident involving child pornography allegedly viewed on a UM health system computer. Regents had initially voted to start the investigation eight months ago. The consultants report was released late Friday afternoon at the regents’ Oct. 18, 2012 meeting on the Flint campus. [.pdf of report by Margolis Healy] [.pdf of Oct. 18 memo from regents]

At that same meeting, regents unanimously approved creation of a new Division of Public Safety and Security, which will consolidate security units across campus, including the Dept. of Public Safety (DPS), the UM health system’s security services, housing security, and the office of emergency preparedness, among others. A national search … [Full Story]