[Ann Arbor Chronicle Editor's Note: This is a DRAFT of the resolution to be brought forward at the May 5, 2010 DDA board meeting.] Resolution to Authorize Providing the City with $2 Million in Fiscal Year 2010/11 Whereas, In 1992 the DDA entered into a master agreement with the City to operate and maintain the public parking system for the benefit of the public, and this agreement is set to expire in 2015; Whereas, This agreement set forward that the DDA was to provide the City with $10 million over the period of 2005 to 2015 as rent for the parking facilities, and the City elected to receive all these funds by 2010; Whereas, In January 2009 City Council approved a resolution requesting that the DDA “begin discussions for a mutually beneficial financial agreement to extend payments to the City beyond July 1, 2010”; Whereas, Representatives of City Council and DDA have held informal discussions in an unprecedented spirit of cooperation and have outlined some preliminary terms as a basis for future agreement; Whereas, The DDA Operations Committee has met to discuss the preliminary terms and recommends that the DDA authorize providing the City with $2 million for fiscal year 2010/11 in anticipation that a new contract between the City and DDA will be completed by October 31, 2010, and certainly no later than within fiscal year 2010/11; Whereas, To develop the final agreement it is generally understood that much research, dialogue and public discussion are necessary to craft the agreement’s final form; Whereas, The City will approve its 2010/11 budget on May 17, 2010 and must have notice of DDA funding that would be included in that budget; RESOLVED, The DDA authorizes providing the City with $2 million in fiscal year 2010/11 with the following expectations: * The DDA and City representatives who have developed the preliminary terms will continue to meet at least once a month to complete work on an agreement that will go to the DDA and City Council for approval, and these meetings will be open to the public, but not subject to the Open Meetings Act. * The DDA and City representatives will aim to conclude their work by October 31, 2010, but certainly no later than the end of the fiscal year 2010/11. * The DDA will provide the City with $2 million by providing half on July 1, 2010 and the second half no later than January 1, 2011. RESOLVED, With this resolution the DDA is amending its 2010/11 budget so that the $2 million shown as a contingency item in its 063 Parking Fund will now be an approved expense.