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U.S. Forest Service taking down giant walnut tree. Owner said he didn’t like it anymore – too messy. Sad.

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  1. By Dave Askins
    December 19, 2009 at 3:24 pm | permalink


    Any idea why the U.S. Forest Service is involved, as opposed to our regular city foresters?

  2. By zollar
    December 19, 2009 at 3:31 pm | permalink

    I really doubt that the U.S. Forest service is involve in any way. LOL Probably a private Forest ( tree cutting) company. Perhaps Urban Foresters?

  3. By Juliew
    December 19, 2009 at 4:07 pm | permalink

    Dave, it is private property, so not under city auspices.

    Sorry Zollar, pretty sure it is the US Forest Service since they left a card (part of the State and Private Forestry division: [link]). They/or their partner organization are working with the owner to remove the tree for free (it would be thousands if a commercial company did it) and then presumably the Forest Service will sell the wood or wood products. Another neighbor took down some big walnuts a few years ago and the company who did it brought their own sawmill and milled the wood as they cut the tree. Walnuts are worth quite a lot, especially big straight ones.

  4. By Zollar
    December 19, 2009 at 8:02 pm | permalink

    I stand corrected. Thanks for the link.

  5. By Trevor Staples
    December 20, 2009 at 11:24 am | permalink

    This may be sad for the passerby, but I gotta agree that the walnut trees are messy. Seems like they’re always dropping something on the roof that needs to be cleaned up, from the green, mushy nut/casings to leaf-twigs ’bout a foot long. I’ve thought many times about cutting down the tree next to my house, or at least the big branches over my roof.

  6. By Juliew
    December 20, 2009 at 10:55 pm | permalink

    Removing this tree isn’t bad for passerby as it was in someone’s back yard, but it is a bit hard for those of us who used to look at a lovely big tree and now look at a not-so-lovely apartment building. But it is really hard for the people in the apartment building, who used to have shade, and won’t this summer.

    We have walnuts and maples and the maples seem messier to me. I think most trees are messy really. Probably would be easier to cut them down in general, but I’ve lived in Colorado without trees and I’d rather put up with a bit of mess to have them.