1. By Tricia
    May 17, 2010 at 11:29 pm | permalink

    Does Ginger have her own bike?

  2. May 18, 2010 at 11:48 am | permalink

    No, but Ginger has her own little child pull-along (or whatever the technical name is for such a carrier) behind one of the bikes. And apparently she loves it, too. She jumped right in and curled up cozily as the two recumbent bike riders pulled away from the curb on Main St to continue their trip northward to the UP and then Canada. Also, since I was using Twitter, I couldn’t write a very long description, but the bikes were both yellow, specially ordered from someplace in Wisconsin, and had very comfy-looking woven seats with inclined backs. There were several orange flags on tall sticks to provide visibility to cars, and lots of little places around the bike areas to store needed items like containers. The riders told us that they camped out as much as they could because Ginger does not care for boring motels. They had already traveled almost 500 miles from their home in KY. Ginger was a darling little dog, except that she had been somewhat naughty the previous day and had immersed herself in something really stinky, thus necessitating two baths.