Liberty & Third

Stopped. Watched. icon

Storm drain blocked with plowed snow. Resulting puddle is half lane wide. [photo] Dismounted bicycle to poke around in slush – would prefer not to repeat ride through puddle. As if steered by hand of god, city snow plow truck rolls up. “I’ll get it.” He meant he’d do with with a flat-nosed shovel, not his giant plow. [photo]

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  1. By DrData
    February 24, 2011 at 5:16 pm | permalink

    The grate on the storm drain at the tail end of my driveway was changed a few years back. I now get floods in front of my house routinely. I mostly notice this when kids ride bikes through the lake. Anyway, I notified the city and on occasion a truck/worker come through and clean out the debris.

    I too clear the debris, but am perplexed why the problem is so much more pronounced.

  2. February 24, 2011 at 5:47 pm | permalink

    @HD I think I saw you riding west on liberty towards the puddle while I was riding east. Not the driest biking day of the year, eh?

  3. February 24, 2011 at 7:14 pm | permalink

    Re: [2] I remember encountering three cyclists on the return trip headed the opposite way: (1) a tall, football-player build guy on some sort of fixie, or faux-fixie (2) an average-build guy on a fixie with cowhorn handlebars (3) a guy on an older model upright-style with one of those roller generators (right near the railroad tracks).

    No, it was not exactly dry out there today!

  4. March 6, 2011 at 3:06 pm | permalink

    I’m the average-build guy on the cowhorn fixie!