Weird (electrical?) light flashing up to the sky south of Scio Church Road near South Seventh.
Scio Church & Seventh

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Weird (electrical?) light flashing up to the sky south of Scio Church Road near South Seventh.
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Maybe just some fountain-type fireworks, but a little too reminiscent of a neighborhood fire a couple years back.
I saw that from 4 miles due north near Newport and Miller. I think it’s a mirage of some lightning far south of here in Ohio, very high in the sky. Weather radar did not show any storms near us.
I’m seeing them now, from near Plymouth and Huron Parkway. They’re coming from the south: Lightning-bright flashes of varying intensity from a clear sky, over and over with little interval. Way too consistantly for fireworks or even lightning of my experience. It’s been over half an hour since I first noticed it, and shows no sign of stopping. Authentically strange! Glad I’m not the only one who saw it.
Mirages are powerfully odd, I was reminded of this old story about Cleveland: [link]
The conditions were right with cool air from the storm at ground level, and hotter air moving back in. They call it “heat lightning” too: [link]