Garlic mustard profuse and tasty. [photo] All ten spillways rushing with water and sparkling in the sun. [photo]
Barton Dam

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Garlic mustard profuse and tasty. [photo] All ten spillways rushing with water and sparkling in the sun. [photo]
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Darn. The Huron River Watershed Council is sending out volunteers tomorrow to look for some special stream insects. These stoneflies are good indicators of water quality, and are only active at this time of year. We’d rather the water was low, for safer and easier sampling.
I forgot that was today. Yes, the river was a bit high at Barton, and from there to Argo. The second photo is geese on ice, near lots of open water. Far less ice than normal – perhaps that will help the count?
I think the lack of ice did help, we’ve had past years where ice prevented teams from sampling their sites at all. My team didn’t find many of the special winter stoneflies at either site, but we may have found a very rare type of stonefly at once site, a species that lives mainly, or only, in streams fed by groundwater. There was watercress growing in the same little streams.
That’s great news, George. Weird weather, but adaptable bugs.