Liberty & Eighth

Stopped. Watched. icon

Lanes in both directions blocked by fallen tree at 5:30 p.m. It looked like it had just happened. Updated: [photo 1] [photo 2] Pedestrians reported there was a fire. And it is on fire. Downed power line. [photo 3]

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  1. By Linda Diane Feldt
    July 9, 2013 at 6:51 pm | permalink

    The tree came down around 5:30, I saw it driving down Liberty. Apparently there was a fire from a downed power line near Eighth St, I was told it burned a bush. When I got there the road was blocked to cars and pedestrians from Eighth St. and West of that point. After I arrived – but had moved back – there was popping, showers of sparks, and a lingering fire at the base of the telephone pole. The photo with lots of smoke is from that, but there were visible flames as well.
    DTE has arrived, and seems to be pondering the situation.
    The tree that came down blocked Liberty immediately East of Eberwhite, and in my quick look (while driving) seemed to be one of a double-trunked tree on the North side of the street, and I had the impression it was a maple. It fell full across both lanes.

  2. By TJ
    July 9, 2013 at 7:07 pm | permalink


    I turned from Liberty onto Crest right around that same time – must have been a few minutes before because I didn’t see any of it.

  3. By Linda Diane Feldt
    July 9, 2013 at 7:16 pm | permalink

    I posted the first message to Dave Askins at 5:35, and it took about 3 minutes to get home going around the blockage. Cars seemed to be acting as though it just happened. As I posted it there were multiple sirens heading that way. I walked over at 6 pm when the rain decreased, and caught what I suppose was the second electrical explosion soon after that.