During the two-mile commute from my Old West Side home to Forsythe Middle School on Newport Road, where I work, I counted signs for and against the May 6 transit millage proposal. The tally: 3 homes sporting No signs, 15 with Yes signs.
Old West Side to Newport

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The disproportion is logical, considering the differences in funding and volunteer effort between the two campaigns. It is unclear that a sign count reflects actual voter sentiment.
Also, there have been reports of the NO signs being stolen.
On the way home by a different route, the tally was 13 yes and 1 no. Vivienne, I agree with you that these data points don’t necessary correlate with the impending result.
On the other hand, the signs indicate the strength and determination of the campaign for the Yes vote. Lots of enthusiastic volunteers and successful fundraising. If endorsements, money, advertising, and door-to-door efforts do the job, they have it wrapped up. A nice political test.
Yes signs for transit prevail all the way out Newport, Miller to Maple, but I don’t have a count. I was quickly distracted by the “Kirk for Council” sign. Since he’s Ward 2 and Newport is in Ward 5, this struck me as curious. I didn’t see any Bryson or Warpehoski signs at all.
We’ve also had reports of “yes” signs stolen. Stealing signs is never a good campaign strategy and I can’t imagine any campaign condoning it, but it happens all the time.
Mr. Warpehoski, Please inform readers of who the “We” is (as in the first word of your comment.)
I mean “we” as in members of the More Buses campaign. Just the other day I had to ask a volunteer to head out to replace one that was reported stolen.
The “no” campaign is saying that someone in a white minivan is going around stealing their signs.