No pain, no gain. [Road closed signs due to work.] [photo]
Ashley & Huron

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No pain, no gain. [Road closed signs due to work.] [photo]
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The work going on there leaves me a little puzzled. I understand that they are installing underground utilities for a new hotel but they have also stripped off ALL of the old pavement as if in preparation for resurfacing. Are they going to resurface the street and then conduct a major constuction project on top of the new surface, essentially destroying the new pavement? I hope not.
It was also rather odd that this work began before formal approval of the plan by the City Council, which was on Monday night. Or is that just a “technical approval”?
The City has a rather odd system of reviews, permitting and approvals that allows for piecemeal construction of large projects. Underground utility and street work is considered separately from the actual project site plan, as is demolition of existing structures on the site. I suppose the logic is that a property owner can do and pay for these things regardless of the existence of an approved project if they so choose. Demolition and utility work only require staff approvals unless the demolition is in an historic district.
So does this imply that Martin has already paid for some major utility upgrades, and the associated road rebuilding?
@4: If by “already paid for” you mean paid for their engineer’s design and for the City permit, inspection, water and sewer connection, and lane closure fees then yes, they must have. The City would not have allowed roads to be closed and work to start without approval of the City’s engineering department and payment of fees. I assume First Martin has hired their own contractors, though, and will pay them as the work is completed. Usually work like this involves a City inspector being onsite 100% of the time to observe, and sometimes City crews are needed to perform shut-downs,etc. These costs are borne by the owner as part of the fees paid up front.