Live: A2/Ypsi Chamber Mayoral Forum
Four Democratic candidates for Ann Arbor mayor – and three Ypsilanti mayoral candidates – will be answering questions at a forum today hosted by the A2Y Regional Chamber of Commerce. The event, held at the Ann Arbor Regent Hotel at 2455 Carpenter Road, begins at 4:30 p.m. The Chronicle will be providing a live audio broadcast. Update: The forum has concluded. Here’s a link to the full recording: [link]. Separate files for remarks and answers from individual candidates are included below.

A detail from cover art for the book “If Mayors Ruled the World: Dysfunctional Nations, Rising Cities” by Benjamin R. Barber. It was displayed on the shelves of Literati Bookstore in downtown Ann Arbor, where another mayoral candidate forum was held on June 25.
All four Ann Arbor mayoral candidates currently serve on the Ann Arbor city council: Sabra Briere (Ward 1), Sally Petersen (Ward 2), Stephen Kunselman (Ward 3) and Christopher Taylor (Ward 3).
The Ypsilanti mayoral candidates are Tyrone Bridges, Amanda Edmonds and Peter Murdock. Murdock currently serves on the Ypsilanti city council.
There are no Republicans running for mayor in either city for the Aug. 5, 2014 primary. In both cities, the incumbent mayors – John Hieftje of Ann Arbor and Paul Schreiber of Ypsilanti – are not seeking re-election.
The June 26 chamber event will include audience questions as well as an opportunity for candidates to talk about their vision for Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti. After the forum, a mixer will be held for chamber members and candidates for local, state and federal offices.
The Chronicle’s live audio broadcast is planned to start around 4:20 p.m. to allow for sorting through technical issues that might arise.
Audio Player: Listen live using the Mixlr player embedded below. After the event, we will provide an .mp3 recording of the broadcast.
Text Box 1: The text box below the audio player provides live notes to listeners – for example, the current topic that candidates are addressing, who is currently talking, or other listener aids. It’s programmed to force the scroll continuously to the bottom of the text notes file – to facilitate hands-free listening.
Text Box 2: The second text box uses the same source file as the first text box. The only difference is the absence of forced scrolling to the bottom.
If your text box displays an error message that reads, “We’re trying to connect to the server,” we apologize. We’re not sure what causes that for some browser/hardware combinations.
Audio files from the event [Tyrone Bridges was unable to attend]:
[.mp3 of Sally Petersen's remarks and answers]
[.mp3 of Peter Murdock's remarks and answers]
[.mp3 of Sabra Briere's remarks and answers]
[.mp3 of Stephen Kunselman's remarks and answers]
[.mp3 of Amanda Edmonds' remarks and answers]
[.mp3 of Christopher Taylor's remarks and answers]
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