A tidy row of leaves in the street, conscientiously raked away from the stormwater channel in the gutter. The neighboring house has another row of leaves, though the storm sewer opening is already clogged.
Fountain & Robin

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My understanding is that we are to use our compost containers for the leaf pickup this year. See [link]. Those leaves along the side of the road are a real hazard for bicyclists. Good on the neighbors: the leaves in the gutter can leach nutrients into the streams.
Yes, the city will not be doing a street leaf pickup this year but clearly the message is not getting across. And we want to avoid nutrients in the streams – we are already the subject of an enforcement action for the phosphorus in the Huron.
Nick’s right of course about the containerization (which also allows for paper bags) approach for leaves this year — people shouldn’t be raking leaves into the street [it sounds like what Vivienne observed was not that, but rather a rearrangement of leaves already in the street.]
Here’s a four-year old trip down bicycle-memory lane from now defunct ArborUpdate on leaves in the street: [link]
No, actually it was clear that both households had raked their leaves into the street. They were regular, consistent rows of freshly raked leaves.
The information is unclear. Are we responsible for leaves that fall in the street?
If so, will we soon be told to shovel the streets when it snows as well.
Perhaps this informative video by the Newshawks will help to clarify the policy. [link]
“Are we responsible for leaves that fall in the street?”
No. You’re also not responsible for those that fall in your yard — you can leave them there or not. Leaf collection policy is only about what you need to do in order for the city to pick them up and haul them away. And starting this year, they’ve got to be containerized.
We purchased our container months ago, and it has yet to be delivered.
I’ve seen a lot of containers being delivered this week in a couple neighborhoods.
I ordered a compostables cart some weeks ago, and received an email message that the cart would be delivered between Sept 28 and Oct 8. The message also included this information:
“The city no longer provides bulk street leaf pickups. Please use your compost cart and paper bags for the weekly compostable pickups (through November 30), or a mulching mower to handle your leaves on-site. Free drop-off of bulk leaves (Sept 1 through Dec. 30 ) is available at the city’s Compost Center, open weekdays 8-4, at 4150 Platt Road. More information at http://www.a2gov.org/leaves.”